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Old 07-16-2006, 01:34 AM   #1
King of Love and Piss
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Ten years from now, Jose Canseco saved baseball or ruined baseball?

As a sports fan, I find this to be a very difficuly question for myself to answer. On one hand, Canseco speaking up and being heard the most really opened some eyes to baseball. If infact they werent already opened. I mean its hard for me to actually believe baseball hire ups had no clue whatsoever that steroids were ( and probably still are ) a major factor in baseballs resurgence after the strike. Possibly a major factor before the strike shortened season. Though others probably spoke up about the matter, Cansecos book and stories were the gasoline to the fire. His statements are what set this thing on fire. Then the McGuire testamony was heard on live television and BAM! As soon as he was done, as soon as we saw what we ( baseball fans ) saw. We knew anyone was a suspect and Barry Bonds was suspect number 1. Now with Barry Bonds indictment in the works and almost a sure thing. My question tonight while i was sitting here became this. 10 years from now will i being telling my kids that thanks to Jose Canseco, the sport of Baseball is as pure is ever? As much as i dont like Jose Canseco, theres a serious chance that i will be.

What do you think?

It dont matter who did what to who at this point. The fact is, we went to war. And now there aint no going back. It's what war is you know? Once you're in it, you're in it. If it's a lie, then we fight on that lie, but we gotta fight!

Last edited by RP; 07-16-2006 at 01:38 AM.
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