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Old 10-06-2013, 02:08 PM   #7039
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mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)mitch_h got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)
Now You See Me - Dumb movie that people kept recommending to me. It was okay at first but then it switched perspectives to the pursuers and it got awful. The twist reveal was really stupid (Woody Harrelson driving a bus) and then there were non ironic ideas about magician guilds throughout history and I just wanted to die. This seems like a movie that dumb people would find "clever".

Prisoners - This was pretty good, kind of reminded me of that movie The Ghostwriter where a paper back thriller is elevated by really good direction/cinematography. I was hoping this would go in a Zodiac like direction but all of the movies ideas are kind of thrown out in favor of plot. Good movie though and I really liked Jake Gyllenhaal.

Leviathan - Cool experimental documentary where the filmmakers just put cameras all over a commercial fishing boat. Interesting and original aesthetic that makes something pretty ordinary look like science fiction.
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