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Old 06-20-2023, 09:16 AM   #3396
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Superstars: December 6, 2040


We're not wasting any time getting into it as Lisa Benton welcomes us to the show as she's out here to present the first award for the night: Tag Team of the Year. There are a few awards that won't be presented here live for the sake of time, but rest assured they will still be acknowledged throughout the night and everyone can view exclusive interviews with the winners on or on the app. But back to the Tag Team of the Year. Some of these nominees are set to participant in the opening match so now is the best time to tackle this award. We're shown the nominees and ultimately Lisa announces the recipients of the award as the former Unified Tag Team Champions, The Royal Effect!

Moses McKay and King Kavovit make their way out looking ready to go, but even more so, looking thrilled and elated that they've been picked to receive this award. McKay gets on the mic and says that even with the limited capacity for thought that permeates the WWE audience, they still had no choice but to acknowledge the tremendous ability and presence of the Royal Effect! Kavovit adds that it's a testament to their superiority that they formed halfway through the year and they still came out on top of the heap. It's the perfect allegory for the situation with the Tag Team Titles. Blaine Bellamy and Robbie Greer may have those belts now, but the fruits of robbery are never savored very long and whether anyone likes it or not, The Royal Effect will come out on top of that situation, too, and get back what's rightfully theirs. If the Wyldhearts don't like it, they can try doing something about it right now in this match!

Opening Match: The Royal Effect and The Future Foundation vs. The Wyldhearts and the Love Connection
These kinds of matches are always great. I wonder if the tag ratings of each team gets taken into account for the overall score. It's a wild way to start things and it only gets wilder as it breaks down in the end as it turns into a pier six affair and Coleman and McKay are legal for their teams. Vivian hops up on the apron to distract Coleman and the ref but Aphrodite comes in to put a stop to that. Unfortunately, that gives McKay the time he needs to whack Coleman from behind with his newly acquired Slammy and that's going to give the heels the cheap pinfall victory. The Royal Effect walk away with their awards in hand, gesturing that they want the titles back. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Going to break, a video does the honors of Manager of the Year, which is snagged by Luscious. Oh, joy.

Back from break, Lisa Benton is ready to present another award, this time for Shocker of the Year! This award is presented to the people who created a moment in time worthy enough to rattle everyone in the WWE and the fans. 2040 was full of those kinds of moments, but which was the biggest? As before, the nominees play on the big screen. We await with baited breath as Lisa opens the envelope to read the's Butch Fleming for his shocking return at Backlash! Lisa informs us that, sadly, Butch Fleming is not able to be present here tonight as he is still recuperating from his time in Hell in a Cell. She's ready to accept the award on his behalf until Chet Morris comes out to interrupt.

"I will be accepting this award on his behalf, thank you very much. If there's anyone that knows shocking, it's me. You wouldn't know shocking if it hit you upside the head, Lisa. What I did to my cousin Lyle was shocking...and like I alluded to before, you haven't seen anything yet. Now I've got some business to attend to."

Second Match: Chet Morris vs. Patrick Dean Quartermaine
Business is being attended to, indeed, as Chet dominates here. Do I dare have a new potential hot singles heel on my hands??? I mean, probably not. I do have something in store for him come Bragging Rights so I might as well make him somewhat of a big thing. Chet gets the win here by showing he doesn't need Lyle by ending things with a one-man Backwoods Bomb for the pin. ****1/4, 93%

Back from break, it's time for the award for Woman of the Year, with a very special presenter...RIOTT!!! Holy shit!!! Riott begins by saying she knows a thing or two about taking this award home. She feels honored and thankful that she was able to impress the fans enough to win this award way back when, but now we'll see who managed to pull off a year amazing enough that the people chose them for this Slammy. Once again we take a look at the impressive list of nominees via the big screen. Riott takes the envelope and reads the winner...IT'S THE WOMEN'S CHAMPION SONYA BRADDOCK!

The crowd pops as Sonya's music plays and the champion herself makes her way out to the stage. She and Riott share a tense moment as they look at each other. There's a lot of history here, folks. Ultimately, Sonya takes the award and Riott applauds the champion as there doesn't look like there's going to be any incident and Sonya looks to give her speech.

Oops, never mind. Here comes someone to make an incident out of this, namely the former Women's Champion, Naomi Bailey. Bailey is irate at the fans. She asks them how stupid can they be in picking Sonya over Naomi for this award. The people have got to be the biggest bunch of ingrates she's ever seen! Naomi stole the show all year! Day in and day out, she was at the top of her game and she made bitches like Sonya Braddock kneel in front her!

Sonya looks like she's taking offense to this and she gets in Naomi's face. Naomi isn't fazed and she continues her tirade against the champ, accusing her of being a phony. Sonya knows that her win at Survivor Series should be reversed and Naomi should be crowned the rightful champ. Besides, Naomi would be able to handle Jenna Kyle at Bragging Rights way more than Sonya ever could. With that comment, Sonya shoves Naomi back and Naomi looks to fire back but we get the usual gang of idiots to get in between the two ladies and stop any more breaking down of the show.

Third Match: The Glitz Girls vs. C4
Brooke is with C4, talking about how none of them have picked up Slammys. Brooke knows that she's a top manager, so the problem must lie with her clients not pulling their weight. She demands that either Cordelia or Carmella win that Woman of the Year award next time around...if she can even tolerate them as her clients by then, that is. All that aside, this is a solid match all around. It comes to an end after Cordelia and Carmella stumble over themselves trying to outdo the other. Tania is legal for the faces and she whips Carmella into the corner where Cordelia is slumped. Carmella manages to pump the brakes to avoid a collision and the two heels share a bit of words. Carmella turns back around and sees Tania trying a Stinger Splash. Carmella dodges this and Cordelia takes the hit. Tania gets rolled up by Carmella and Carmella uses Cordelia's own crushed body for leverage to score the cheap pin. Cordelia is slighted at these turn of events and shoves Carmella afterwards, but Brooke steps in to play peacemaker. ****1/2, 92% overall.

We're informed that Michael Hotbody has taken the award for Douche of the Year as we move on. I'm sure that will go over well with him.

The awards continue as Lisa Benton is back out to present Rookie of the Year! This award honors the person who has made a huge splash with the WWE audience despite it being their debut year. We go to the big screen for the nominees and upon the conclusion of that showcase, Lisa is once again tasked with opening the envelope to reveal the winner. She glances at the card and looks disgusted at what she reads. Begrudgingly, Lisa announces that the winner of the this award is none other than...Michael Hotbody. Lisa continues looking none too thrilled about this task as the Cruiserweight Champion indeed makes his way out with a smile a mile wide and shaking his body like nobody's business. He yanks the award away from Lisa and gets on the mic with glee. He claims that he's here to rub all of this great success in Lisa's face so she had better not go anywhere. "Now normally I would be upset at you not addressing me my full moniker, but seeing as how we're pressed for time, all of that introduction would've just eaten into my speech time AND I AM NOT ABOUT TO WASTE THIS SPEECH!!! I have been expecting to win every single category in which I am nominated and so far, so good! I now have this second Slammy to go along with the one that I won earlier. I am officially the Rookie of the Year...AND the Most Envied Superstar of the Year!!!"

Lisa looks confused and tries to interrupt by correcting him. "Uh, actually you won the Dou..."

"That's right!" Hotbody continues. "It is no small feat to be the most envied person in the locker room, but it's a burden that I am strong enough to carry! Just like I'm strong enough to carry multiple Slammys AND the WWE Cruiserweight Title. Now, onto the thank yous. First and foremost, thanks are in order to the other nominees for being so inferior to me that I could easily take this award. I am Mister 2040 and no one can take that away from me. More thanks to Zed Jones, who is a brother like no other! Loyal and brave and firm. He's the biggest and the baddest out there and he has my endorsement so Clubber Harris had better be thinking twice about crossing him in the future. Another special thanks to the best legal team money can buy. The law offices of Freddie Galino and Jimmy Farnes deserve so much love and credit for standing by me and making sure I am free of any sort of legal shenanigans anyone tries throwing my way. Last, but certainly not least, behind every great man is a great woman. And there is none greater than the sexiest thing happening in the WWE today, other than me, fellow Slammy Award winner, my girl, my heart and soul...THE LOVELY LUSCIOUS! You had all better believe that there is celebration of the physical kind that's going to do down and it's well deserved. The only way this night can get any better is me also taking home the award for Cruiserweight of the Year! As a matter of fact, why not just get that out of the way right now! Lisa, make yourself useful and get to it. I've got places to be and I'm a lock for this category anyway. Get the stupid envelope out here and give me my third Slammy!"

Lisa Benton looks exasparated, but she agrees nonetheless and asks that the production crew bring up the nominees for Cruiserweight of the Year. Hotbody objects to this and demands that Lisa just open the damn envelope because it's a waste of time anyway. Benton takes the envelope and opens it up and looks at the winner. She gets a huge smile on her face and she gets on the mic to announce the winner. "Well, Michael, I can say one thing for sure. I am absolutely thrilled to present this award with you here to witness it." Hotbody is all smiles and is giddy as all hell and he beckons for Lisa to announce the name. "Your winner for Cruiserweight of the Year is...JORDAN DEMIRAS!!!"

The crowd pops and Hotbody's smile disappears, replaced with a shocked expression. He is outraged and demands to see the card and he yanks it from Lisa's hand, not believing what he reads. Jordan makes his way out to claim his prize, but Hotbody isn't done. "Woah, woah, woah, I demand a recount! This is an outrage! What in the hell makes YOU, Jordan, so special that you think you should have this award? Do you have the Cruiserweight Title? NO! Have you ever beaten me in a match? NO! You have a lot of nerve coming out here to accept this award. If you had ANY sense of pride or honesty you'll give up this Slammy AND PERSONALLY HAND IT TO ME!!! What's it going to be?"

Jordan looks at Hotbody then scans the crowd as if looking for an answer. He goes the route of slapping Hotbody across the face and then takes the award and goes to leave. Hotbody isn't finished and challenges Jordan if he really wants to fight. He tells Jordan to get some back up and head to the ring so they can get a piece if they want to go at it so bad. Jordan and whoever wants to team with him can get in the ring with Galino & Farnes!

Fourth Match: Clubber Harris and Jordan Demiras vs. Galino & Farnes
Harris answers the call much to the chagrin of Hotbody. No doubt Harris just wants to get under the skin of Zed. This is more good shit from these guys. Jordan and Harris mesh oddly well together. It comes to an end when Ozzy Mandias comes running down while the ref is busy trying to keep Zed and Harris away from each. Ozzy shoves Jordan off the top as the latter is looking for an Axe Kick. Galino & Farnes hit SERIOUS INQUIRIES! on the dazed Jordan and that's enough to put him away for the cheap victory. Ozzy backs up the ramp pointing at Jordan and claiming that he's next. ****1/2, 92% overall.

A video does the job of presenting us the Feud of the Year nominees. Faith Connors and Jenna Kyle are announced as the winners.

We have more Slammys to hand out and Lisa Benton comes out to present the award for Noteworthy Moment of the Year. She describes this award as being the one to recognize the single instance of monumental history that went down in 2040. We go to the nominees, each one just as big as the other. It is ultimately down to the votes and it's time to see what the people have to say about this. Lisa opens the envelope. The winner of the award is...Jenna Kyle and Faith Connors becoming the first Women's Tag Team Champions at SummerSlam!

Well, the Lonely Girls are already Slammy winners, but now they get their chance to come out to the stage and make a speech properly. Faith Connors begins by pointing out how funny it is that she and Jenna have an award for fighting each other, and now have an award for being a team. Personally, she'll take fighting by Jenna's side over getting punched in the face by her and there is no doubt in her mind that she and Jenna can make even more history in the next year. She wants to thank Jenna just as much as she wants to thanks the people for this honor.

Jenna takes over and agrees that she and Faith have much more to accomplish. They're still owed an opportunity to get back those same tag titles they worked their asses off to win at SummerSlam. Hannah McCormick and Bobbi Jo had better be watching and understanding what their in for when the chance for the Lonely Girls to step into the ring with them again comes around. But for Jenna personally, her first stab at making history is at Bragging Rights when she gets the chance to win that Women's Title for the fourth time. Naomi Bailey can take a hike because all of her blustering amounts to nothing. Jenna hopes that Naomi isn't causing Sonya Braddock to take her eye off the ball, because Jenna wants no excuses. She wants Sonya at the top of her game because if there's anyone worth beating, it's the so-called Woman of the Year. In the meantime, Jenna claims that she and Faith are going to celebrate. Pleasure later.

The Lonely Girls start to take their leave but the next match is set to get underway and Dusk is the first participant to come out. Dusk gives Faith the stink eye as there is still business among the two. That'll have to wait as we've got this match to take care of...

Fifth Match: Ainsley and Phoebe Hansen vs. Debra Phillips and Dusk
I was a bit worried about doing this match here as both Ainsley and Debra are still low-tier. Ainsley, Phoebe, and Dusk are rocking it in the charisma department, though. Plus, who wouldn't react to a woman like Dusk? Debra and Ainsely are still in the infancy of their feud so I don't think there's a need to job someone out hard yet. We'll just have Debra get herself counted out to escape the wrath of Ainsley. That'll work. And the rating proves me right, apparently. ****1/2, 85% overall.

Another video does the job of presenting a Slammy, this time for Match of the Year. The Iron Woman Match between Jenna and Faith get the honors as that's 3 Slammys for both women, the most for the night. That has to be a record.

Sixth Match: Alexander Piero vs. Chris Collins
Collins gets on the stick and wants to emphasize that after this, he wants to be done with Piero. He's tired of playing with the little boys. Piero should be counting his lucky stars that Collins even granted him this much attention. Collins belongs amongst the titans of the WWE. He's won more accomplishments than Piero can ever hope to achieve. The one lesson that Collins hopes Piero takes away from this whole experience is that choosing your battle wisely is always paramount. More importantly, Collins hopes to move onto bigger and better things because now is one of the best times to start making moves. With all that is happening in the WWE right now, Collins will be damned if he's going to be lost in the shuffle. So with that said, he invites Piero to come on down and make that one final swing for the fences.

Issues aside, this match rules. It's No DQ so they take advantage of that fact, leaving a mess all around ringside. I have no doubt in my mind that Piero is going to far down the road, but right now I have immediate concerns for Collins. After a long and solid brutal affair, Collins escapes an attempt at the Flashpoint and shoves Piero into an exposed turnbuckle. That's enough to set Piero up for the Fall From Heaven and Collins is going to walk away with the pin and the victory. ****1/2, 92% overall.

And thus we've arrived at the big one. It's time for the Slammy for Superstar of the Year. Here to present this one is none other than a legend who has a few of these under his belt, among other accolades, IAN MOORE!

"I admit, coming back last week to take part in the show kind of gave me the itch to want to come back and do it some more. Now I will have to get back to my usual day-to-day activities but this is too big to just pass up. This award is a symbol of excellence of the highest order. The superstar who claims this award will be someone who made history, shocked the world, performed at the highest level on a consistent basis, and came out better at the end of the year than from where they began, all rolled into one. All of these men deserve praise, but there's only one Slammy here. So without further ado, here are the nominees for Superstar of the Year!"

The big screen goes through all 9 candidates, each one receiving highlight footage from their time in 2040. We go back to Ian Moore and he's ready to open the envelope!

"And your 2040 Superstar of the Year is...BRANDON REIGNS!"

The crowd begrudgingly shows respect as the man himself comes on out to receive the award. He gives Ian a cold look, but accepts the statue and gets on the mic. "If there is one reason, and one reason only, why I should be the Superstar of the Year over everyone else, it should be over the simple fact that unlike any of the others, there was no doubt in my mind that I was the biggest name in the WWE. I beat out so many former World Champions. Hell, I beat out the CURRENT Unified World Champion! I was at the top of my game all year and I told you all, week in and week out, that I was bringing change to this company. Only a true Superstar of the Year is capable of bringing change. And the best part of all of this, is that I'm not done. We are just months away from WrestleMania and whether Wrakk makes it to the show with his title still in hand or Ryan Pattillo pulls off an upset at Bragging Rights or anyone else who might be wearing those belts by that time, they get the honor of being the first victim of my new landscape when I cash in this Money in the Bank contract! I'm not just aiming for Superstar of the Year again, I am going to be the Superstar of the Decade and I challenge anyone to try to knock me off course!"

Cue someone who looks like he wants to take Brandon up on that offer. Kerry Cemenko makes his way out and gets in Brandon's face. Brandon mocks Kerry for not winning anything tonight, but Kerry points out that it's actually a good thing because that gives him time to take Brandon up on his offer and whip his ass. Brandon isn't going to slight Kerry for wanting to take a swing at the oh-so special Superstar of the Year, right?

Brandon is amused at this and welcomes the challenge...but not right now. There's celebrating to be done and Kerry's not invited. Brandon will, however, demonstrate his generosity and admiration for Kerry's chutzpah by letting Kerry have an up close look at the Slammy, seeing as how Kerry didn't win one. With that, Brandon tries nailing Kerry with the statue but Kerry ducks and then slams Brandon's head into the podium. Brandon goes down and starts to crawl away. Kerry moves in for the kill but Brandon shoves the Money in the Bank briefcase into Kerry's guy and that buys him enough time to escape.

MAIN EVENT: Wrakk and Xavier Cross vs. Ryan Pattillo and Kyle Jacobs
I want to do Cemenko/Reigns and Cross/Jacobs but I don't know which one to put on the PPV. Jacobs and Cross would probably give me a higher rating. I mean, look at the results of this match. Wrakk and Pattillo are helping, sure. Anyways, it's a kick ass main event and a great way to cap off the evening. Pattillo, of course, needs THE MOMENTUM as he heads towards Bragging Rights. It breaks down into a pier six and Pattillo escapes an attempt at the Cross Cutter from Xavier. Wrakk tries booting Ryan, but he ducks and poor Xavier gets the size 15 to his face instead. Jacobs comes back into take himself and Wrakk over the top and to the outside and Pattillo stacks up the dazed Xavier with a jacknife roll up for the pin. Things can only get more tense as we inch closer and closer to the PPV. *****, 94% overall.

Congratulations to all the Slammy winners!

Overall show rating: 89%
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