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Old 10-15-2017, 06:12 PM   #37221
Mr. Nerfect
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Originally Posted by screech View Post
lol what? Who is doing this?

Also my initial question still stands: If it works on TV, why does it matter what it looked like on paper?
It was literally being discussed because Jimmy Jacobs was credited with writing it. It's not something that got over because it was some genius piece of crafted fiction. It's something that got over because Jericho is so fucking good. With anyone else it's just another tag team splitting up (which is what it turned out to be anyway).

This is Russo taking credit for the This is Your Life segment. No one was like "Oh, This is Your Life...awesome!" It was "holy shit, The Rock is funny." There's nothing inherently good about a "Festival of Friendship" idea. In fact, it sounds fucking shit. Jericho stealing the show despite this made it fairly memorable for modern stuff. Alleging that Jimmy Jacobs is some sort of creative genius for helping Jericho get dumb stuff over is a far cry from him being a good "writer" or even booker.

More power to the guy. I liked the Lacey stuff. But WWE has vastly been shit. He has been helping writing it. I'm not going to think the dude is an amazing writer now just because he's outside the big evil company instead of contributing to it.

God, people are so easily worked. Jimmy Jacobs could give your average internet fan's sister herpes, then get sympathy from them because his dick's itchy. And people say that kayfabe wouldn't work today.
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