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Old 08-23-2017, 11:35 PM   #366
Mr. Nerfect
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Originally Posted by #1-wwf-fan View Post
I don't think Cornette has ever excused Vince making a mockery of wrestling. He talks shit about it constantly.
Yeah, basically this. People get blinders up when they talk about Cornette. Just look at the replies you get from people who immediately go to the false "old man yelling at clouds" memes, when what Cornette is really doing is calling for logic.

I think his spiels against Omega, whilst they are fun, are very harsh. Omega is overrated and does seem to be a bit of a dolt, frankly, but if you black-balled everybody he does dumb stuff, we'd have Xavier Woods taken out for the trust fall, Mick Foley taken out for the dick flip (although that might be for the best at this point), Shawn Michaels for the Curtain Call (HHH wouldn't be a loss), etc.

I think Cornette directly attributes the death of wrestling (and keep in mind he is speaking in hyperbolic terms, you idiots who would jump on this and be like "well, why does the WWE still even exist then?") to Vince McMahon's responses to the steroid scandal in the 90s -- claiming to be Disney and put smiles on faces. This idea that he exonerates Vince yet would punish Omega is a bit of a false assertion.

A better comparison would be Pete Dunne. Corny loves his work, yet he does dumb video game shit. He's probably just unaware of that though, and would blast Dunne for that, if it's as goofy as Omega's (if it's just dressing up or presenting that aesthetic, that's different to actually trying to do hadoukens and shit). Or Jay Lethal -- Cornette loves him now, but Black Machismo was pretty dumb. That being said, it was Jay Lethal putting on an act, and not so much "OMG! This act is real!"

I dunno, I think the accusations of hypocrisy are exaggerated conveniences for those who would try to circumvent Corny's actual points. And, as I've said in the past, it seems like members of the IWC actually have problems wrapping their head around it. A few people might get insulted by this, but I think he's just generally smarter than most people. Not even in a wrestling sense, but in a general intellect kind of way. I don't subscribe to all his views, but his logical processing is just on a level that sends people who disagree with him, usually, into spirals of illogical straw-men and emotional rambling.

I think that's part of the reason I love the man so much. He usually proves his subject a fool. Joey Ryan retorted to calling Cornette a homophobe (Cornette's pretty left-wing), Kenny King responded with homophobia. Omega's been the classiest of the lot and has actually tried to take a moral high road.

TL;DR: Cornette is pretty much right about everything, you dummies. Stop resorting to straw-men because he makes your indy darlings butt-hurt. He is too extreme on Omega though, and that gives his detractors ample room to do their "Look what an asshole he is!" thing, as if that somehow discredits his points.
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