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Swiss Ultimate 02-16-2014 01:24 PM

CM Punk should return at Wrestlemania
So, many of you are familiar with Gertner's brilliant idea of having Bryan face Triple H at Mania for a chance to enter the Main Event with Batista VS. whomever then winning the title. That should definitely happen and it would be awesome to see Bryan then get a super-push for the next three-four months even when losing the title.

We should see Brock VS. Lesnar (edit: lol, i meant Undertaker) for Wrestlemania in a Career VS. Career/Streak match, with Punk off-TV and making appearances with ROH and indie shows around the country to cement that he's done with Vince.

Then, after the third Tombstone of the night and surviving a hell of a lot of punishment Undertaker makes an exhausted pin on Brock. The lights go out. When they come back Punk is in the ring standing in front of a confused Undertaker. GTO. F5. Brock ends the streak. Everybody hates Punk and his super-heel turn. Undertaker's streak ends on a super sour and controversial note, everybody hates Punk and Brock.

Super-heel Punk stays clear of Bryan for a few months just pissing off the fans doing ridiculous shit like attacking DDP and hitting him with the Diamond Cutter. Just absurdly evil asshole stuff. So when Super-face Bryan finally feuds with him the internet explodes and the fans go nuts for Bryan to teach Punk a lesson. They feud until Rumble and Bryan goes over Punk in a Career VS. Career match. The End.

Shisen Kopf 02-16-2014 01:50 PM

Brock vs Lesnar will be kick ass!

Anybody Thrilla 02-16-2014 02:10 PM

I don' this.

Swiss Ultimate 02-16-2014 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Shisen Kopf (Post 4378955)
Brock vs Lesnar will be kick ass!

Scratch the Undertaker idea. I want a Time travel or clone angle now.

JimmyMess 02-16-2014 02:21 PM

trunks Lesnar vs. MMA shorts Lesnar. BOOK IT.

Brigstocke 02-16-2014 02:24 PM

Where does Nathan Jones fit into all of this?

slik 02-16-2014 02:28 PM

Biker Taker vs Surfer Sting ONLY

My Final Heaven 02-16-2014 02:35 PM

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Swiss Ultimate 02-16-2014 02:53 PM

Lesnar doesn't even need a time machine. He can just punch reality until it turns back.

Shadrick 02-16-2014 03:51 PM

i really love this thread for a hell of a lot of reasons

Shisen Kopf 02-16-2014 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by slik (Post 4378979)
Biker Taker vs Surfer Sting ONLY

How about the first ever gimmick switch match, Surfer Taker vs Biker Sting?

The Naitch 02-16-2014 04:17 PM

WrestleMania 31

MAIN EVENT: Zionism vs. The Muslim Brotherhood.

MID-CARD MATCH: The Government vs. The People.

UNDERCARD TAG TEAM MATCH: The Illegal Aliens vs. The Freedom Fighters.

Hosted by Alex Jones

Heisenberg 02-16-2014 04:18 PM

Would the ending be that Bryan gets the strap at WMXXX and Vince stops the celebration and brings out CM Punk and gives him a match and goes over Bryan and Punk instantly gets permanent heel heat forever and stuff.

Brigstocke 02-16-2014 04:35 PM

Bryan wins Gold...Crowd Eruption... UH OH Black fluid falling down Bryans face... ERRRRRMMAGAWD It's the curse of PUNKA SHANGOOOO...

Either that or something involving interference by way of 'Haunting' from Owen Harts ghost.

Corporate CockSnogger 02-16-2014 04:41 PM

CM Punk should return in the main event, but before he gets a chance to enter the ring, every part time wrestler appears from under the ring and starts pointing and laughing at him, making crybaby gestures and just generally mock his whinging personality.

Innovator 02-16-2014 07:38 PM

I'd rather have Punk come back Ultimate Warrior style saving Bryan after he beats HHH and is getting beat down

That or returns at the raw in Chicago and cuts another "pipe bomb"

Heyman 02-16-2014 07:46 PM

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania
I have this strange feeling that we might see CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania.

Punk makes an unexpected return at Elimination Chamber and interferes in the main-event match. He ends up screwing over Bryan.

NormanSmiley 02-16-2014 08:22 PM

He - man you are the most optimistic mfer I've ever been around

Bad News Gertner 02-16-2014 08:38 PM

Here ya go: built in feud, don't even need much storyline

Cowboy Bill Watts walks down the ring. The announcer are puzzled by this. Cowboy Bill Watts picks up a mic and states that "he's glad to be back in New Mexico as this place has gave him so many memories".

All of a sudden he gets shot with an arrow. Tatanka appears. He calls Bill Watts out for robbing his people of his land and challenges him to a match at Wrestlemania!

Cowboy Bill Watts vs Tatanka

Oh and CM Punk is a whiny bitch and I'm good with him never coming back.

Heyman 02-17-2014 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by NormanSmiley (Post 4379156)
He - man you are the most optimistic mfer I've ever been around

Lol thanks man.

Hope is pretty much all I've had for the WWE since 2001.

Jura 02-17-2014 09:45 AM

NormanSmiley 02-17-2014 12:13 PM

if he isn't back by Chicago raw there's no way hes back by wrestlemania

Shisen Kopf 02-18-2014 10:52 PM

I think CM Punk will seek the advice of Tatanka and will be back for the rasslemania

Phillip Brooks 02-19-2014 02:24 PM

I'm done, I ain't coming back. DEAL WITH IT!!.

Swiss Ultimate 02-19-2014 02:27 PM

Tatanka VS. Bill Watts would be epic.

Heisenberg 02-20-2014 07:50 PM

Swiss Ultimate 03-02-2014 12:51 PM

Career VS. Career/Streak match


after the third Tombstone of the night and surviving a hell of a lot of punishment Undertaker makes an exhausted pin on Brock. The lights go out. When they come back Punk is in the ring standing in front of a confused Undertaker. GTO. F5. Brock ends the streak. Everybody hates Punk and his super-heel turn. Undertaker's streak ends on a super sour and controversial note, everybody hates Punk and Brock.

Super-heel Punk stays clear of Bryan for a few months just pissing off the fans doing ridiculous shit like attacking DDP and hitting him with the Diamond Cutter. Just absurdly evil asshole stuff. So when Super-face Bryan finally feuds with him the internet explodes and the fans go nuts for Bryan to teach Punk a lesson. They feud until Wrestlemania and Bryan goes over Punk in a Career VS. Career match. The End.

Curd 03-03-2014 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Phillip Brooks (Post 4380788)
I'm done, I ain't coming back. DEAL WITH IT!!.

You can chill out, Amber. :yes:

Swiss Ultimate 03-03-2014 11:18 PM

Paul Heyman's CM Punk pipebomb in perspective sets up my idea perfectly.

Swiss Ultimate 03-10-2014 03:08 PM

CM Punk back yet?

JimmyMess 03-10-2014 03:13 PM


Swiss Ultimate 03-10-2014 03:15 PM

Good. They're going with my plan.

St. Jimmy 03-10-2014 05:09 PM

There's little to nothing for him to do at Mania at this point. He needs to just take his time off and decide if this is for him. He's at a company where he's essentially hit his apex, there's nothing left for him to do.

Swiss Ultimate 03-10-2014 05:11 PM

You're back.

Swiss Ultimate 03-10-2014 05:12 PM

No, he needs to end Undertaker's streak and become part of the Authority, then feud with Bryan in a Best of 5 Series culminating at Wrestlemania 31.

Swiss Ultimate 03-10-2014 05:25 PM

Scenario: Undertaker kicks out of the F5, Brock goes for a Shooting Star Press and misses, Undertaker gets him with the Tombstone for a 2 count, then Cult of Personality hits. Punk comes from out of the crowd grabs a chair, kicks him in the head, smacks him across the back with the steel chair then drops it nearby. GTS into an F5 onto the steel chair for the 3 count. Lesnar and Punk finish it off.

Monday night we see Kane kicked out of the Authority for failing to prevent Triple H from losing to Bryan and we see an unholy alliance between Heyman's guys and the Authority.

Next PPV we see classic Kane and Undertaker VS. Punk and Lesnar. After losing Taker vanishes until Rumble where he puts his career on the line against Punk. It takes a GTS, Sweet Chin Music, an F5 and a pedigree to finally do it and Undertaker goes out in spectacular fashion. After the match he and Kane chokeslam everyone while Bryan tortures them with the Yes-lock. Undertaker does his retirement speech the end.

DAMN iNATOR 03-10-2014 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by DTTS (Post 4392113)
No, he needs to end Undertaker's streak and become part of the Authority, then feud with Bryan in a Best of 5 Series culminating at Wrestlemania 31.

LOL, Nobody “needs” to end The Streak.

Swiss Ultimate 03-10-2014 05:43 PM

Perhaps, but it'd be the coolest way to go out.

Swiss Ultimate 03-10-2014 05:46 PM

Here's the thing, for me, maybe not other armchair bookers (Noid? Want in on this?) the idea of ending the streak captures the imagination. I personally am uninterested in preserving the streak and allowing Undertaker to retire with it.

How would you go about doing that, anyhow? Undertaker winning his own retirement match? How would you write that?

XL 03-11-2014 06:58 AM

Taker wins.
Takes a knee.
The lights go out.
He's gone when they come back on. Perhaps leaving the urn behind to close the show.

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