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Fignuts 05-15-2017 06:03 PM

Top 5 games of this console gen so far
So we're a few years in to this generations cycle, and I thought it would be fun to see what everyones frontrunners are, thus far.


#BROKEN Hasney 05-15-2017 06:14 PM

Breath of the Wild
Persona 5
Yakuza 0
Rocket League

Other stuff: Overwatch
Darkest Dungeon
Final Fantasy XV

This year has been nuts so far. It's like everything I've wanted in years.

Sepholio 05-16-2017 03:51 AM

Breath of the Wild, Horizon: Zero Dawn, MGSV, Fallout 4, The Witcher 3. Edited because I forgot about the Witcher somehow and had to drop Final Fantasy 15 off to make room.

alvarado52 05-17-2017 01:12 AM

Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan and Dylan

SlickyTrickyDamon 05-17-2017 01:45 AM

Haven't really gotten alot of games. All games seem to be overhyped and under performed but here is a short list.

-Fallout 4.
-Watch Dogs 2 (because it wasn't over hyped like the first was)
-Not a specific game per say but MMOs becoming common on Consoles. Been playing Star Trek Online because it is free to play but Elder Scrolls, DCU Online. The stuff that has been "too good" for Consoles becoming more common.

road doggy dogg 05-19-2017 10:11 AM

Overwatch has single-handedly made online gaming fun for me again, so I'll go with that

road doggy dogg 05-19-2017 10:14 AM

But to round out a fuller list...

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
GTA V (does that count for this generation?)
Witcher III

mind you I haven't played a ton of games the past few years nor own a PS4/XB1 so I'm not really qualified but at least adds to the discussion

Ruien 05-19-2017 11:03 AM

This game will get 0 love I am sure but Recore is so damn amazing.

Only 2 that really stick out to me but I don't play many games either.

Emperor Smeat 05-19-2017 04:24 PM

Rocket League
Killer Instinct
Legend of Zelda Breath of Wild
Super Smash Bros Wii U

Haven't played a lot of games this gen compared to previous ones and very little PS4 stuff.

Could probably swap out Killer Instinct for Minecraft on Xbox One or Wii U since I got really addicted for a while with the game. Not sure if it would count though for the list.

Locke 05-20-2017 08:10 AM

I've sunk 100+ hours into Zelda but I think I like Last Guardian more

earlejones 08-01-2017 03:03 AM


Kalyx triaD 08-01-2017 02:59 PM

Not my most played/fave games but games I feel gave the industry a kick in the balls:

Breath of the Wild

Fignuts 10-08-2017 07:32 PM

5. Rocket League
I don't know if I've played anything as addicting as this game in my entire life. The phrase "just one more" is typically uttered around 20 times a session. It's easy to pick up and have fun with, but also has an enormous skill cap that 99% of players will never see. It's one of those games with a simple concept executed beautifully, that never gets old. And with friends it's even better. Many times playing with Heisenberg and friends have I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.

4. Doom
The most fun I've had in an FPS in....god I don't know how long. Maybe ever. Mixing classic arcade style gameplay with modern elements, gives you a heart punding incredibly intense experience. Hitting glory kills never gets old, and bobbing and weaving while pumping ammo into dozens of demons at once is tense as fuck. Throw in the fact that the campaign is quite long with tons of secrets, great looking locations, and really fun boss fights, and you've got on of the best shooters of all time.

3. The Witcher 3
Honestly what can I say about this that hasn't already been said? The combat is great, offering a tremendous amount of strategy and pre planning for each battle, and utilizing a skill based melee system. Researching weaknesses, Preparing traps and applying oils in preparation, makes battles feel more grandiose and epic. And since common enemies are tough enough to kill you they often are very tense. The game world feels alive, like a rockstar game, and the writing and characters are head and shoulders the best in the genre.

2. Horizon Zero Dawn
Horizon actually takes a lot of from the Witcher 3. There is a focus on strategy and pre planning, including arming yourself with the right weapons and ammo, setting traps, and drinking potions that buff certain attributes. Where it's different is that Horizon focuses on a ranged combat system which I personally find more fun than the Witcher 3's melee combat. It also adds a deeper emphasis on stealth. Combine that with the multiple reactions you can get from hitting different parts of the machines with different weapons and you get a combat system that is even deeper than CD Project Red's epic. No small task. I also believe that it plays much smoother, and is more stylish. Nothing in the Witcher 3 can compare to jumping off a ledge and killing 3 dudes before you land, or sliding through the legs of a mecha t rex in slow motion and hitting his underside weak point.

The world itself is incredibly detailed and imaginative, with the mechanical beasts being the stars of the show. They are incredibly well designed, both in their appearance and animation, and truly feel like living breathing parts of the world.

End of the day, this goes beyond this console generation, and it's one of my favorite games of all time.

1. Fire Pro Wrestling World
This should come as no surprise to no one. And yeah I know it's only on PC right now, but the full version will be on PS4 so shuttupa you face.

I modded my PS2 and imported Fire Pro Wrestling Returns back in 2005. Despite all the new consoles that have come out since, with their flashy visuals and superior processors, I played FPR more regularly than any other game, all the way up to this past summer. The only time it felt dated was going through the movelist years later and not having all the new moves that had been popularized since it's release. But the gameplay still held up as well as ever.

Enter Fire Pro Wrestling World. It has all the content from FPR (minus real life wrestlers) plus improved visuals, over a hundred new moves with even more added every update, new gameplay features, massive improvements to the already god tier edit mode, steam workshop support,no cap on edit content beyond HD space, and of course mod support which alone has added a ton of new content since release.

All that and the game is still in early access, with nearly bi weekly updates adding new content all the way up to the full release in March. Which brings me to the next reason why this is number 1. The developer's hands on interaction with fans. This is a passion project for them. They all love Fire Pro, and several of them got into the industry because of the long running series. And so they have been directly interacting with the fan base, responding to people at the steam forum, holding live twitch stream chats, and adding content that fans request. Recently they even confirmed they are adding new parts that a steam user drew up in photoshop. I've never seen a developer, early access or not who seems to genuinely care so much about the desires of it's player base.

All this adds up to what is, in my opinion, the greatest wrestling game of all time. And it's not even fucking finished yet.

Destor 10-08-2017 07:34 PM

I will put some thought into this after i finish p5

Fignuts 10-08-2017 07:40 PM

Yeah, Rocket League will probably get bumped off once I finish P5, but having completed less than 50% of it, I didn't feel right putting it on the list.

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