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Destor 01-04-2018 11:47 AM

NJPW - Your first impressions
For those who were new to the product last night or havent followed in sometime:

What is your unfiltered thoughts of the product?

Really curious.

(if you are familiar please shut the fuck up)

Bad News Gertner 01-04-2018 01:01 PM


Destor 01-04-2018 01:03 PM

I do not believe gertner saw the show.

Shisen Kopf 01-04-2018 02:31 PM


Shisen Kopf 01-04-2018 02:32 PM

Too much flippy shit. Not enough rest holds

Destor 01-04-2018 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Shisen Kopf (Post 5067593)
Too much flippy shit. Not enough rest holds


slik 01-04-2018 02:40 PM

I have to finish it later but from what I saw I liked:

* Fog-filled stadium. Prefer this over constantly showing people's reactions in the crowd.

* Focus on 'in-ring' action

* I liked that there was not downtime between matches, the next match pretty much started right away

* I liked the set and some of the entrances were really good

Things I think need improvement:

* I sort of missed having a break 'between bouts' sometimes tho...maybe one every now and then would be cool.

* English commentary was not good


* I would watch NJPW again (someone tell me what day their show airs on AXS channel)

* Match quality was good

Bad News Gertner 01-04-2018 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5067573)
I do not believe gertner saw the show.

They did a bunch of flips. Nobody sold 2/10.

Destor 01-04-2018 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bad News Gertner (Post 5067602)
They did a bunch of flips. Nobody sold 2/10.

If you think Puro is a bunch of no selling you dont actually know what selling is

#BROKEN Hasney 01-04-2018 03:07 PM

Hell, even the Bucks match had selling

Destor 01-04-2018 03:10 PM

In American wrestling unless you're 70feet tall you big sell everything. Guy punched you? Pretend it was as shotgun.

Puro you register. Same thing big guys do in the states. I hit you and you register the blow. It’s a smaller more nuanced sell. When I finally do sell it gets that sweet noise that puro crowds make. The OooooOOOOOOHHH. So good. But you only get that because you have to EARN the big sell.

Conversely you might just sell on the double down. Big shots. Back an forth. Both guys taking and giving their best. Guy A bumps guy B. Guy B does the big sell. Guy A collapses. They both sell.

It’s more genuine. Its more believable. Its more old school. Its better.

Bad News Gertner 01-04-2018 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5067603)
If you think Puro is a bunch of no selling you dont actually know what selling is

I believe a nuclear bomb and an actual cannon was used and they kicked out at 2

Destor 01-04-2018 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bad News Gertner (Post 5067607)
I believe a nuclear bomb and an actually cannon was used and they kicked out at 2

Thats what sell tickets.

Destor 01-04-2018 03:13 PM

Has for 50 years

Bad News Gertner 01-04-2018 03:13 PM


Destor 01-04-2018 03:15 PM

100% you didnt watch it :lol:

Bad News Gertner 01-04-2018 03:15 PM

I'm actually posting from Japan. I was I attendance. I was the tallest gaijin there.

Destor 01-04-2018 03:19 PM

You def would have been

#BROKEN Hasney 01-04-2018 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Bad News Gertner (Post 5067611)

Stop rating the brauds you date.

Ezra 01-04-2018 04:01 PM


Great storytelling in almost every match.

Good pacing of the show. Couldn't believe it was over 5 hours.

No backstage stuff constantly through the show.

In ring product is just a level up from WWE overall. Of course I think after seeing what Jericho did last night WWE is severely limiting wrestlers.


Don Callis is fucking awful. He jumped into heel commentary without reason and used profanity a bit too much for emphasis. Kevin Kelly isn't so bad. Would have loved to seen JR come back with Kevin as his color or get CM Punk for color.

The refs suck. Lots of slow 3 counts last night to insure guys kicked out. Ref of Jericho match randomly does count outs when its no dq.

Production value needs to go up a bit. Camera work wasn't the best and cheesy at times.


Great show and definitely enjoyed it. Jericho and Omega stole the show for me. Lots of great talent and in ring product.

Show was a 4.5/5 for me.

Anthony Hopkins 01-04-2018 04:49 PM

I give it a B.

Good number of UK wrestlers. It would have gotten an A if Roman Reigns wrestled on the show.

Stickman 01-04-2018 04:52 PM

Just watched the Jericho match. He is the GOAT.

Shisen Kopf 01-04-2018 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bad News Gertner (Post 5067615)
I'm actually posting from Japan. I was I attendance. I was the tallest gaijin there.

How's DLVH doing?

Bad News Gertner 01-04-2018 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by #BROKEN Hasney (Post 5067624)

I didn't date Becky Lynch?

Sixx 01-04-2018 08:02 PM

I actually liked it. Didn't like the fact Omega won, but still.

Fignuts 01-04-2018 08:06 PM

Only reason for a jericho victory would be a rematch at the US show, but I'm guessing this is now officialy a one off.

Sixx 01-04-2018 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5067689)
Only reason for a jericho victory would be a rematch at the US show, but I'm guessing this is now officialy a one off.

Yeah, I'm aware that Omega is bigger in Japan then Jericho, but I just love Jericho.

Lock Jaw 01-04-2018 08:51 PM

Just watched the Jericho match. I enjoyed it. Would attribute maybe 85% of my enjoyment to Jericho.

"lol" at Kenny Omega getting all these eyes on him because of Jericho and then showing up looking like a goof in what was hyped up to be a "serious encounter" between the "best in the world". Was not a good "first impression" for me. Then I noticed his face kind of looked like The Ryback to me, and I started to wish I was watching The Ryback. Then he pretty much no sold all those chair shots and I was like "F this dude". Then he started hitting all those sweet knees. Also I felt the commentators were doing a real good job of putting him over. Rather than making it seem like the "previous generation" was "of course" better, they treated Omega like an "equal" and really tried to drive it home that he was one of the best..... and it kind of worked because he grew on me after I got over him no selling all those chair shots, and then he won and it felt like a "passing of the torch" in a way that none of Jericho's putting over young talent in WWE did (mainly due to the commentators)........

Lock Jaw 01-04-2018 08:53 PM

Oh, and their replays were "jarring" at times with no "replay transition". Sometimes I thought the action was just continuing, but then it was just a replay.....

Lock Jaw 01-04-2018 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5067700)
then he won and it felt like a "passing of the torch" in a way that none of Jericho's putting over young talent in WWE did (mainly due to the commentators)........

That being said, I still like Jericho's matches with AJ Styles more.....

Ezra 01-04-2018 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5067701)
Oh, and their replays were "jarring" at times with no "replay transition". Sometimes I thought the action was just continuing, but then it was just a replay.....

I agree with this 100%

Mr. Nerfect 01-04-2018 10:19 PM

I've watched a bit of New Japan over the years, but I don't follow it, so I feel (un)qualified enough to post.

* I like the booking. It's actually booked like pro-wrestling, with each match telling a story and not just happening for the sake of it. They have top stars and they protect them. I love that Okada and Tanahashi retaining. Putting the belt on a guy just because he's hot is so...American. Very "see what happens" and not really orchestrating your own stories, and in wrestling, you've got complete control over your stories. Things shouldn't be as "fast and loose" as they are in the west.

* When I first saw New Japan, I was shocked at how "big" it was. They have a screen with entrances and stuff. For some reason I thought Japanese wrestling was just a ring with people and streamers. It's got "gloss." I like that as a fan transitioning from a realm where presentation is king. They feel like a viable alternative, and like "real wrestling" done on a big stage. Makes me like them.

* I'm not a fan of The Young Bucks, but what I saw of their match was...alright. A few silly little spots, like when they both had Sharpshooters -- like only the legal man can win the match, yeah? Things like that take me out. But they were bigger than their opponents, so that division is actually good for them and when reeled in, they have enough talent to be able to be good heels in that division.

* Suzuki is a fucking bad-ass and his "seppuku" with shaving his head made me love the guy. Perfect character work that sells a fucking result. There isn't enough selling in matches these days, but there's not enough selling of wins and losses either. When a guy wins, it should mean the world to him, and when he loses, it should affect his pride, confidence, etc. Suzuki sold that loss like he had dishonored the Suzuki name. Perfect. He could be a babyface now, but he could also beat the piss out of Tanahashi in a rage after making you love him, and "double-down" on being the scariest dude in wrestling. Good stuff.

* Don Callis is really hit-and-miss on commentary. Sometimes he says something insightful. I liked his mentioning of Chris Jericho's dad being in hockey, hence the "hockey fight" environment. I also liked him saying "You're not even the best guy in Winnipeg," which really sums up why Omega is under Jericho's skin. But then he's just...awful. Like he's a really witty guy and funny on Lance Storm's podcast, but he's just...awful.

* Kevin Kelly is pretty good, I guess, in the sense that he clearly loves wrestling and is a fan of what he does, but sometimes he's "reaching" for that WWE emotion. A lot of "acting" and not enough "reacting," I guess.

* Omega seemed a lot more dialed down when being led by Jericho. That being said, he still annoys the piss out of me. His fucking face. I just hate it. He's got this dumb, smug asshole face. And his actions are so fucking cheesy. The gun thing. Then he turns his back to his opponent and hits the ropes just to get beat up. There's a lot of things he does that just make me roll my eyes. I get that he's athletic and does "cool" shit, but I just cannot see where this "best wrestler in the world" shit comes from. AJ Styles is at least 10x better.

* "You cannot escape!" Fuck's sake.

Fignuts 01-04-2018 10:31 PM

I agree with you on not putting the belt on someone just because they're hot, but Naito had a lot more going for him than that. His ability in the ring, his character work, his journey just being an awesome story....I still stand by my statement that there was more to gain with a Naito win than Okada retaining, but I love Okada too, so I'm not even really heated about it.

Ol Dirty Dastard 01-04-2018 10:34 PM

only watched alpha/Omega. my god. 5/7. perfect score.

but actually. just wow. what a fucking match.

Ol Dirty Dastard 01-04-2018 10:36 PM

Would watch 10000000 Omega matches before reading one Noid post.

Fignuts 01-04-2018 10:50 PM

Also, in response to comment you made in the other thread, no, Naito doesn't need the title to be over. But neither does Okada. Nor does anyone else who's won the title in the last 10 years. Because unlike in WWE the man makes the title, and getting over on your own is a prerequisite to even being considered for the iwgp title.

What it comes down to is that myself and hasney value the story of Naito's journey here, how much he deserves it, and how good of a champion he would be, over making an already special title reign a little bit more special.

But the fact that neither myself or hasney are broken up about it and still looking forward to future okada defenses is telling of the quality of njpw's product.

#1-norm-fan 01-05-2018 01:28 AM

I fucking hate the concept of "_____ shouldn't win the title because he doesn't need it to be over".

Nicky Fives 01-05-2018 01:44 AM

I watched the Battle Royal, The Bucks match, Cody's match and Jericho's match. Jericho was the only reason why I went out of my way to watch, and really enjoyed his match. Kenny Omega could easily be in WWE right now but I don't see the "huge appeal" of him. Yeah he's good and could be in WWE, but he's not going to be the next Rock.

I've seen The Bucks wrestle before in TNA, so I know what I was going to get with them, which is not really what I enjoy.

The Battle Royal was terrible. Allowing pinfalls really hurt it for me as every pinfall seemed to be from a weak move or 3 people piling on. I'd also only ever heard of the older Japanese wrestlers like Liger & Tiger Mask

Cody/Ibushi was very good as well, and Brandi is so god damn hot and has improved 100-fold since I last saw her when they both were in TNA earlier last year.

Overall, I wasn't overly impressed and likely won;t ever watch another NJPW PPV unless they draw another "big star" the likes of Danielson or Punk

Jordan 01-05-2018 08:34 AM

I watch 1 to 3 NJPW events per year. Last year I had intended to keep my sub to NJ World but on the PPV after Wrestle Kingdom 11 they didn't offer English commentary so I decided to send them a message not not re-up. I will keep my sub at least til the end of the month to see Jericho at the next show.

WK 12 was a fantastic pro wrestling event, golden star for sure. The thing with this event and NJPW that is different than WWE is... NJPW has never changed their booking style. They don't need shove a main eventer into every match, they actually have openers, lower mid card, mid-card, mid-card with potential, upper mid card legends, and main eventers. So we start off with a bunch of old guys and jobbers in a comedyish rumble, it sucked until Kojima and Tenzan came in. Sucks that they couldn't have had a bigger match, I'd love to see them go with Bulldog Jr. and Archer. I'm sure it's happened but not for me yet.

So the card was really good with what it was. With the openers and mid carders playing their role, not playing the main event in the undercard. Having guys like Cheeseburger, Owens and Gambino just made the starts look more like stars. That was the biggest lesson for me watching this.

Let the undercard be the undercard. We used to love that. To pick our favorites who couldn't likely hang with "The best" but they were guy you wanted to pull for.

While there wasn't that one six star match, and who cares that's only happened once, there were three, four+ star matches. So the build of the show just created an awesome old school roller coaster with new school loops and drops.

Jordan 01-05-2018 08:40 AM

With that said, I am not a fan of NJPW's Juniorheavyweight division. The current crop just doesn't cut it for me. I do like some of the workers, but only in different promotions. There are way too many guys working the same hyper junior style. I like Osprey but he does EVERYTHING imaginable in EVERY MATCH. It's too much and totally unrealistic, I'd love to see someone sell a fucking punch for Christ's sake!

I also don't like WWE's 205 Division. My current taste for Junior style would be the extreme lucha style of Lucha Underground. Or backing up to the mid 90's to WCW and NJPW's Cruiser/Junior style.

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