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Shisen Kopf 10-26-2017 10:40 PM

Assassins Creed Origins
This is the 50th installment of this series. Someone let me know if it is any good. Who is the protagonist? Very important info for me

Destor 10-26-2017 10:47 PM

Black guy, he's never even heard of america

Destor 10-26-2017 10:47 PM

Also game is getting killer reviews

Sepholio 10-26-2017 10:48 PM

The reviews seem pretty mixed to me. Apparently a good bit of technical issues holding it back. Will wait for a few patches to come out then I'll pick it up seeing as I have every Assassins Creed ever.

Shisen Kopf 10-26-2017 10:49 PM

Yeah it looks really good. I suppose I can get it. I tolerated playing as a savage in Assassins Creed 3. I'll just put him in Ezio's outfit

Destor 10-26-2017 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Seph (Post 5033235)
The reviews seem pretty mixed to me. Apparently a good bit of technical issues holding it back. Will wait for a few patches to come out then I'll pick it up seeing as I have every Assassins Creed ever.

Im seeing a bunch of 9/10s

Destor 10-26-2017 10:53 PM

A lot of praisenfor the missions, the leveling system and the combat/inventory

Shisen Kopf 10-26-2017 10:58 PM

It has to be much better than Unity and the London one. Those kinda sucked

Destor 10-26-2017 11:03 PM

I started playing the series last yeah. Literally playing Syndicate now...its ok. At launch it was broken obv but its pretty its fine stability wise now.

Origins pre day one patch is glitchy to be sure but if the mechanics are good im sure itll be fine in a few weeks or even day 1 depending on what the patch does.

Shisen Kopf 10-26-2017 11:16 PM

The jack the ripper add on was good. I got to the final mission on syndicate but it was hard as hell trying to defuse all the bombs at Parliament and Elizabeth Tower. Still havent beat it. Found the Grenfell Tower mission to be in poor taste!

Destor 10-26-2017 11:22 PM

Ill say this about syndicate it has the best stealth machanics than any of the series, by far.

Destor 10-26-2017 11:23 PM

Up until this point at least

Destor 10-26-2017 11:25 PM

As far as origins goes i will wait 4-6 weeks to play it. Let the first few patches hit. Its become my new method. Ive got such a backlog its no big deal on my end

Shisen Kopf 10-26-2017 11:28 PM

I'm thinking I'll ax for it for Christmas. By then it should be sorted

Fignuts 10-27-2017 01:18 AM

This seems like a pretty fair, honest review.

ClockShot 10-27-2017 05:27 AM

Should have this waiting for me at home after work.

Sepholio 10-27-2017 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Shisen Kopf (Post 5033285)
I'm thinking I'll ax for it for Christmas. By then it should be sorted

This is also my plan.

Fignuts 10-27-2017 07:54 AM

Honestly, for me, I feel like nothing will ever come close to topping Black Flag. The whole pirate time period, the amazing naval combat, the great all just makes me completely uninterested in anything else they've done since.

Only thing that would pull me in, would be to see how they pulled off a game that takes place in the present day. That's what I thought they were going to work towards after I played the first game, but here we are 10 years later.

#BROKEN Hasney 10-27-2017 07:57 AM

Yup, Black Flag was such a high.

I'll get this eventually, but I still haven't booted up Syndicate and want to play that first and coming out on the same day of the game that puts the biggest smile on my face in years in Mario and murdering Nazis in Wolfenstein take priorities.

#BROKEN Hasney 10-27-2017 07:59 AM

Oh wait, I just loaded up Prime Now to get some shit delivered and buying the game comes with a FREE MONSTER 4 PACK. SCORE.

ClockShot 11-14-2017 05:45 PM

Just wrapped this up.

Just........ugh. I never been conflicted with a game in a long time. Can't decide if I liked it or hated it.

#BROKEN Hasney 11-15-2017 05:45 AM

I've heard so many good things that I want it, but the copy protection on PC ramps the CPU up to 100% usage which isn't good for the wear and tear at all. Waiting on it being removed or a crack.

ClockShot 11-15-2017 06:54 AM

Might want to try a demo or a free-to-play weekend before you buy it.

It's one of those "took a few steps forward but a few steps backward and overall didn't make progress" kind of games, in my opinion.

Destor 11-15-2017 08:56 AM

Youre the first person kve hesrd saying this. Without spoiling can you elaborate ?

Shisen Kopf 11-15-2017 10:50 AM

I got the game it's decent. Some one stole my camel. Didn't like that.

ClockShot 11-15-2017 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5042695)
Youre the first person kve hesrd saying this. Without spoiling can you elaborate ?

Well, I'll repeat it and follow up on it.

This team took a few steps forward and a few steps backward. After I finished it's like, nothing really changed. I'll give you a minor spoiler to give you an idea.

One of the biggest improvements is the large open world. But it's overall the biggest trap in the game.

Destor 12-03-2017 11:31 PM

Barely screatched the surface of this but im really digging it. All the platforming is essentially gone so the last remnants of prince of persia are gone with it but as far as a rebirth of the franchise i think this works.

Crafting works like red dead redemption. Hunt the animals. Upgrade the think.fighting off ten crocs at once and then upgrading your hp or damage is rewarding.

Tons to spend gold on. Upgrading weapons alone. Might take awhile to out pace the economic system.

Skill treee is very good.leveling up is very rewarding.

Eagle is a great element

Protag is allllllmost as boring as altier/conner....but only almost.

World is huge and dense.

Combat is the heart of the game anc its acss. First game were i almost prefer the brute approach...well save skyrim.

Destor 12-03-2017 11:31 PM

Only level 12 so this is all preliminary

Destor 12-06-2017 11:22 PM

The biggest thing this has over its predecessors os a world i actually want to explore. In past games i was just followung a check list of origins in just lurking about seeing what i can get into. Not on witchers level but its similar in that regard.

You can easily forget there is a main quest going on

Shisen Kopf 12-07-2017 02:27 PM

I got this game a couple of weeks ago and I agree about forgetting about the main quest. I like going around wiping out entire groups of hippos and crocodiles. Not leveled up enough to go after the elephants yet.

Destor 12-07-2017 02:30 PM

I love fighting the agressive wild life

Destor 12-07-2017 02:30 PM

hell even hunting the prey

Shisen Kopf 12-07-2017 02:32 PM

The first time I shot a vulture with an arrow I didn't kill it and the bastard and his buddy killed me. Bastards.

Destor 12-07-2017 02:33 PM

I did not expect to be attacked by vultures...I killed them though.

Sepholio 12-26-2017 09:57 PM

I just started this and I already love it. Other than a couple technical hiccups(enemies/wildlife getting stuck on something and acting like they are in the midst of a seizure) it has been awesome so far. Noticed a couple icons that indicate the goal of finding X number of treasures in the area. Went into one to find said loot and ended up triggering a quest to free some prisoners or something. During the crawl through the area, I somehow managed to kill the main baddie of the area I'm guessing without even realizing it was him. Was like WTF just happened, then I figured it out, although I was pretty miffed about being teleported out of the area after it all played out. Oh well, was an epic af moment regardless.

Now I'm back to lurking around the zone and checking all the question marks and what not. Really digging the new RPG feel of the game. I'm a huge mark for Assassins Creed but it was def getting stale. I feel like this has completely reinvigorated the game. This is what it was meant to be. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go stab a couple assholes. In the face. With a brick.

Destor 12-26-2017 10:45 PM

Im level 40+

About 60 hours in

Cleaning up my quest log then im going to progress toward end game content. I was level 35ish before i bad my first true boss fight..,there is just so much to see and do.

Wildlife and crafting have been my fav aspects. Tombs in 2nd.

Well...maybe the freedom...they always saynin these games you can choose how you tackle a situation but this time it actually feels true...

I dunno...theres a lot they really got right.

Shisen Kopf 12-26-2017 11:29 PM

I hit level 40 today. Need to kill 2 more Phylakes to complete that quest. Omg, i sound like a total NERD rn

Destor 12-26-2017 11:41 PM

Only a nerd would worry ahout bekng a nerd, nerd

Heisenberg 12-27-2017 04:15 PM

The AC worth my piss was Black Flag, all the others are hard to get into

Destor 12-27-2017 04:43 PM

It was the best AC until AC: O for sure

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