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slik 08-05-2017 10:57 PM

Jim Cornette / Mick Foley
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Joey Ryan uses his penis to block Mr. Socko and flip <a href="">@RealMickFoley</a> at <a href="">@OTT_wrestling</a> in Dublin, Ireland. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Joey Ryan (@JoeyRyanOnline) <a href="">August 6, 2017</a></blockquote>
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SlickyTrickyDamon 08-05-2017 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by sliksuke nakamura (Post 4998870)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Joey Ryan uses his penis to block Mr. Socko and flip <a href="">@RealMickFoley</a> at <a href="">@OTT_wrestling</a> in Dublin, Ireland. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Joey Ryan (@JoeyRyanOnline) <a href="">August 6, 2017</a></blockquote>
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ffs Mick. :nono:

Sixx 08-05-2017 11:25 PM

Ummm. does this guy seriously wrestle with his penis?

SlickyTrickyDamon 08-05-2017 11:27 PM

Well he can't wrestle which is why he does this bullshit.

SlickyTrickyDamon 08-05-2017 11:28 PM

Would rather watch Roman Reigns super man punch every move for 30 minutes than watch one minute of Joey Dickspot.

Black Widow 08-05-2017 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by SlickyTrickyDamon (Post 4998877)
Would rather watch Roman Reigns super man punch every move for 30 minutes than watch one minute of Joey Dickspot.

One of the dumbest Fucking things I've ever seen!

DaveWadding 08-05-2017 11:51 PM

STD is just mad that his dick is too small for spots like that.

DaveWadding 08-05-2017 11:51 PM

Joey Ryan's Dong is the REAL Universal Champion

Ol Dirty Dastard 08-05-2017 11:52 PM

Std thinks he is jim cornette

Vastardikai 08-06-2017 12:42 AM

If Ryan wrestled New Jack, and no sold the cheese grater to the junk spot, I think Mass Transit and Gypsy Joe incidents would end up looking tame.

Lock Jaw 08-06-2017 12:56 AM

Good to see Mick Foley doing physically well after his surgery and all his yoga and eating right.......

Was a time not so long ago where he would not have been able to move and take a bump like that.......

Sixx 08-06-2017 01:04 AM

From main eventing WWE PPVs to being thrown around by some loser's cock...

Lock Jaw 08-06-2017 01:09 AM

A payday is a payday!

Evil Vito 08-06-2017 10:21 AM

Hope Joey Ryan keeps doing that with his dick. Hope the Young Bucks keep doing 5 million flips and Superkicks. Hope Kenny Omega keeps pulling funny faces.

There is nothing in wrestling that makes me laugh more nowadays than people ranting and raving about comedy wresting ruining the business like old men yelling at clouds. Especially because they never ever have the balls to just stop watching something that upsets them so much.

#1-norm-fan 08-06-2017 10:30 AM

The Young Bucks don't really fall under the "comedy wrestling" umbrella. They're just really bad.

Maluco 08-06-2017 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by #BrotherVito DELETED (Post 4998984)
Hope Joey Ryan keeps doing that with his dick. Hope the Young Bucks keep doing 5 million flips and Superkicks. Hope Kenny Omega keeps pulling funny faces.

There is nothing in wrestling that makes me laugh more nowadays than people ranting and raving about comedy wresting ruining the business like old men yelling at clouds. Especially because they never ever have the balls to just stop watching something that upsets them so much.

I have stopped watching wrestling completely, and have been done for about 4 months. The only think I watch are podcasts about older shows from time to time. I don't even look up results now. Still enjoy taking about it from time to time though, especially older stuff.

I would say the reason you are talking about it is not directly why I stopped, it's more because it is so boring, tedious and repetitive and there isn't a star in sight in WWE. No big matches, no major angles. Just two guys sharing wins for 3-4 months and then parting ways.

People like wrestling for different things though and there comes the disconnect. I always liked the suspension of disbelief and a rivalry building until you just had to see the match. One of my favourites was Bret Hart because aside from being great to watch he would do things little things like mouth "fuck" after a loss on TV. So easy to suspend disbelief when someone does so many little things to make it seem real. Some would argue he took it too seriously, but it helped his art.

HBK was another one. So many memorable moments like his comeback against HHH and the Flair Mania match. Proper emotion in wrestling were what made special moments for me. It's like a soap opera in many ways. I want to be taken for a ride by a cool story with twists and turns and the emotion of a big match that goes along with it.

I quit because it is boring nonsense now and the technical quality of matches wasn't enough to save it. But the stuff you are talking about contributes to the loss of that side of things for me. It might be fun to some people, but it makes a mockery of it all for me. Makes me feel stupid for watching and makes the whole thing feel pointless.

So yeah, they can continue to do these things and they will always have some sort of audience that has a good time watching it, but I would argue that there are also a lot of fans like myself who see wrestling the way I do, and stuff like this just contributes to the way the landscape is today. Some may think it's fun, but it's ok not to like the way things are going too

Sixx 08-06-2017 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by #BrotherVito DELETED (Post 4998984)
Hope Joey Ryan keeps doing that with his dick. Hope the Young Bucks keep doing 5 million flips and Superkicks. Hope Kenny Omega keeps pulling funny faces.

There is nothing in wrestling that makes me laugh more nowadays than people ranting and raving about comedy wresting ruining the business like old men yelling at clouds. Especially because they never ever have the balls to just stop watching something that upsets them so much.

I don't mind comedy in wrestling, not at all. I just think this particular "comedy act" is fucking awful and not funny at all. Sends embarrassment shivers down my spine.

Evil Vito 08-06-2017 10:45 AM

I dunno, I think there's a lot of meta comedy there. The Bucks had always been speedy spot type workers but never to the degree they are now. Once their TNA run ended and they noticed a sizable people complaining about there being too many "spot monkeys" on the indies they just decided to go whole hog with it and openly take the piss out of it. To their credit any show I've been to with them on it they've gotten by far the most heat.

Could they do better? Probably not - how they were in TNA is likely how they would be in WWE. No real reason to do that when NJPW/ROH pay them a good wage to do an act filled with in-jokes.

But again I'm not someone that cares about the "sanctity of wrestling" or SERIOUS BUSINESS or whatever. I think unique comedy stuff has a place just as technical masterpieces, and violent brawls do.

Ol Dirty Dastard 08-06-2017 10:57 AM

well said vito

Ol Dirty Dastard 08-06-2017 10:59 AM

I have no issue with Cornette being a crank about it... I mean the guy actually paid his dues in wrestling, so I understand his hard stance even though it's a bit much. But someone like STD who's just some fucking neckbeard mark, who if he ever took a bump would literally defecate in his pants just copying Cornette's stance is retarded.

Jordan 08-06-2017 11:00 AM

The Bucks are amazing live. I saw them early on, one of their first ROH matches around 2010 maybe earlier.

Ol Dirty Dastard 08-06-2017 11:19 AM

They make a fuck ton of money. People who give them shit are a bunch of babies. Not nec. my cup of tea but the results speak for themselves.

Evil Vito 08-06-2017 11:21 AM

I should clarify something - I'm okay with people not liking comedy wrestling or whatever just as I'm okay with people not liking extreme violent matches or any other genre you could think of. "Nah, I'm not into this but people like what they like" is totally fine.

I just think we're at a point where it's fruitless to waste energy and effort railing on wrestling you don't like and the fans that do like it when there is so, SO Much different wrestling out there nowadays. Between WWE, NJPW, ROH, LU, CHIKARA, the various British promotions, Mexican promotions, and lolGFW there is just so fucking much out there and they all play to different palettes.

There is enough wrestling out there that I'd say if you aren't watching something you love - you're doing it wrong. With WWE in particular I've found a lot of people are afraid of expanding their horizons - well if the top company in the world sucks, it must all suck. No.

Hence I want to see the comedy guys keep doing their thing because it's amusing to me to see people bitch about it when those people could watch something they actually enjoy from the many options out there.

We all only have so much time to devote to watching wrestling. Watch what you actually enjoy and let others have their fun.

#1-norm-fan 08-06-2017 11:24 AM

I don't even think the Young Bucks' superkicks and flips are as egregious as the crotch chops. They're basically backyard wrestlers from the late 90's who never grew up. And I don't buy that it's really just some genius meta-comedy. It's lame and un-creative. They are just the worst.

#1-norm-fan 08-06-2017 11:27 AM

I was doing the "ironically mimicking real wrestlers" thing when I was e-fedding at 15. I wasn't a genius ahead of my time. I was just being creatively lazy.

SlickyTrickyDamon 08-06-2017 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by #BrotherVito DELETED (Post 4998984)
Hope Joey Ryan keeps doing that with his dick. Hope the Young Bucks keep doing 5 million flips and Superkicks. Hope Kenny Omega keeps pulling funny faces.

There is nothing in wrestling that makes me laugh more nowadays than people ranting and raving about comedy wresting ruining the business like old men yelling at clouds. Especially because they never ever have the balls to just stop watching something that upsets them so much.

This is the equivalent of saying don't listen to music if you don't like Weird Al. I don't watch or buy Joey Ryan merch or watch shows he is a part of.

SlickyTrickyDamon 08-06-2017 11:31 AM

Don't like ultra violent matches either. Unless it is to blow off an angle that has been built up but still has to be done as safely as possible. No CZW tournament of death light bulb bullshit.

Ol Dirty Dastard 08-06-2017 11:37 AM

If I could make 6 figures for being an uncreative backyard wrestler I'd do it.

Simple Fan 08-06-2017 12:48 PM

Yeah, say whwt you want about the Young Bucks but the guys have the indies figured out. They can have a good match given the right opponent and their not calling the match. As far as their mimicking goes it seems to work with that crowd who are mostly attitude era fans. Japanese eat up as well.

Ol Dirty Dastard 08-06-2017 01:04 PM

They aren't "killing the business". They are just a niche of the business as was bound to happen over time.

If anything has killed it mainstream it's Vince putting on an unexciting television show 85% of the time from b/w July 2001-now

Ol Dirty Dastard 08-06-2017 01:04 PM

That's not a reply to Simple Plan, just the marks who think they're killing wrestling.

#1-norm-fan 08-06-2017 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Dastardly Dale Newstead (Post 4999017)
If I could make 6 figures for being an uncreative backyard wrestler I'd do it.

There's plenty of ways to make money without being talented. Appealing to the lowest common denominator is big business.

Ol Dirty Dastard 08-06-2017 01:10 PM

But I mean they're obviously talented. That's what separates them from a lot of people

#1-norm-fan 08-06-2017 01:14 PM

They're athletic. That's about it.

#1-norm-fan 08-06-2017 01:15 PM

They use the crotch chop as a signature taunt, FFS. In 2017. In "professional" wrestling companies. lol

Fignuts 08-06-2017 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by #1-wwf-fan (Post 4999044)
They're athletic. That's about it.

And creative. They're not my cup of tea either, but credit whre credig is due. They come up with a lot of cool shit.

#1-norm-fan 08-06-2017 01:18 PM

... Crotch chop...

#1-norm-fan 08-06-2017 01:19 PM

If you wanna consider them "comedy wrestling", then they are to comedy wrestling what The Great Khali is to technical wrestling.

Fignuts 08-06-2017 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by SlickyTrickyDamon (Post 4999012)
This is the equivalent of saying don't listen to music if you don't like Weird Al. I don't watch or buy Joey Ryan merch or watch shows he is a part of.

He means stop watching joey ryan clips, not wrestling altogether.

Destor 08-06-2017 01:29 PM

Are the young bucks hacks? Yes. Have they found a market? Yes.

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