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RoXer 12-05-2014 11:16 AM

Street Fighter V
Info has leaked.

I'll edit this when I can. I can't right now.

So... Google it?

It's a PS4 exclusive from what I'm seeing.

I'll edit this later, promise.

Fignuts 12-05-2014 11:33 AM

Well, between this, No Man Sky, and The Show, it looks like I've got reason enough to buy a PS4 now.

Holy shit tho, are xbox gamers gonna be pissed.

drave 12-05-2014 11:43 AM

I am willing to bet it is a "timed exclusive" just as Tomb Raider was a XO "exclusive". Otherwise the game wouldn't be nearly as profitable as it could be.

Heisenberg 12-05-2014 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 4552978)
Well, between this, No Man Sky, and The Show, it looks like I've got reason enough to buy a PS4 now.

Holy shit tho, are xbox gamers gonna be pissed.

I'll just adapt and overcome. No one takes Street Fighter from me, nobody.

If they keep it exclusive, it's just karma for Dead Rising 3 being PC/Xbox One only

alvarado52 12-05-2014 12:54 PM

yeah but Dead Rising has always been a MS exclusive, Street Fighter has been multiplatform since the get go.

Almost certain its timed, unless Sony is paying a metric shit load to Capcom to make up for the sales lost from other platforms.

drave 12-05-2014 12:56 PM

GIF's of the video that was removed:

Mercenary 12-05-2014 01:52 PM

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Needs this or no buy.... Dead serious

Sepholio 12-05-2014 04:04 PM


Emperor Smeat 12-05-2014 05:01 PM

Also arriving for PC.

Kalyx triaD 12-05-2014 07:46 PM

Gonna pre-order Super Street Fighter V right now. Somehow.

thecc 12-06-2014 03:43 PM

Looks like there's gonna be cross play between ps4 and pc.

Kalyx triaD 12-06-2014 07:32 PM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I'll do a write-up and explain what's going on later, but for now just trust that the 'Turtle Fighter' punchline is very much dead. Pendulum's totally swinging towards guys like me and Blitz.

Kalyx triaD 12-07-2014 01:45 PM

- It looks like there's expanded aerial combos, though we only see Chun-Li doing her aerial target combo into special. It could be a Chun-Li thing, but that's certainly a new move and it's very high in the air.

- Chun-Li executed an OTG attack. Whether there's an OTG system or ground bounces from SFxT isn't clear. For now it seems combos can continue after certain knowckdowns.

- Ryu's crouch punch animation is very different. Me and Khuntry wondered if it was just a new animation or crouching itself being reworked.

- Ryu executed what looked like a new target combo on his end of the trailer. SFxT's Tekken-side cast had extensive target combos to emulate their base game. It's possible that this system will be added to SF proper.

- Some kind of power-up mode (likely tied to meter) that offers you EX versions of specials. Chun-Li had a double fireball and Ryu did his Metsu-Shoryuken outside of a super. There's a black chalk effect during this powered up state.

- I'm thinking this state will depend on your meter, there's still supers of some kind that will likely require full meter.

- Guard Crushes returned from Alpha 3. This is huge. The game is already looking more offensive, but the ability to break somebody's block completely goes against the largely defensive SF4. I'm not sure if certain moves can do this, or if there's a Guard Meter. This is the biggest reveal from the trailer and it will change the game.

- The breakable wall means stage transitions of some sort. Khuntry thinks that will be strange for the pace of a match. I'm thinking it might be a special KO thing. More on stage effects, the neon sign busted during Chun-Li's air combo. We'll probably see more stuff like the wing's tip breaking in SF4's African airport or even SF2's corner breakables.

alvarado52 12-07-2014 02:02 PM

I bet you two nerds watched the footage at least 40 times, analyzing every bounce of Chun-Li's titties for possible physics changes.

In your pants.

Kalyx triaD 12-07-2014 02:03 PM

Two views actually.

Fignuts 12-07-2014 02:23 PM

Oh, I'll find a way to turtle.

Kalyx triaD 12-07-2014 02:44 PM

Float like butterfly, sting like slightly meaner butterfly.

Kalyx triaD 12-13-2014 09:22 PM

Onto SF4's last hurrah; Street Fighter Omega drops next Tuesday. Along with regular mode balance changes and new combo trials. The animal themed DLC attire drops as well, and it's the only thing that cost money.

Kalyx triaD 12-14-2014 03:12 AM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Fignuts 12-14-2014 11:21 AM

Are you gonna be online for Omega? You better be.

Kalyx triaD 12-14-2014 06:31 PM

Me and Khuntry are gonna tear it up offline but yeah we will dance. We should have when your internet fixed up.

Kalyx triaD 12-15-2014 09:23 PM

Indulge me in more talk of Street Fighter 4's Omega Mode. It's not an whole different mode rather than another edition to choose on the character select screen, but I think it should have been. Omega Mode brings more to the table than new moves, it's as far away from Ultra Street Fighter 4 as Super Street Fighter 4 was from vanilla SF4 (moreso). Before I battle Figgy with the best version of Cammy I've ever played, I'm gonna break some things down best I can.

As I said, it's more than new/altered moves, there's some system changes in there that really should have been another mode altogether.

- While the general speed (walk, dash, jump) is unchanged in the characters, combat effects make this a slightly faster game. Quick Rise is not only faster, you can do it off of certain throws. More moves knockdown, and more knockdowns seem to be recoverable, and this leads to people being on their feet more often than not. It also means the wake-up game has more nuance, and is a better answer than the largely unused Delayed Wake-Up in Ultra.

- All Focus Attack Cancels knockdown. Regular charged FAs still crumble, but you can't use it to extend combos anymore. This render FADCs moot - and I like it. Red Focus is also non-existent, which says a lot about it's implementation.

- The adjusted (and for a few completely revamped) move-sets all point to game that allows creative approach not often seen in a SF game. Dare I say it's something akin to classic Capcom character designs. There's also much more uniqueness with the characters. I would have to point out how the Shotos are different to the uninitiated; but their differences are much more noticeable. No way in hell can you say Ken is Ryu with a different head. He tosses fireballs with feet (and his tricky kicks are BACK).

- A lot of characters have moves that fall between EX and Super Attacks. They are 'Super-like', and require more meter than EX attacks. Akuma has a special throw right out of his KKK teleport. Makoto can tap into her red skin mode. Cammy's EX Canon Spike leads into an attack grab. It's a new option to spend your meter on.

- For some fucking reason Capcom did NOT put Omega movelists in the game. This is an amazing fuck up (or negligence/apathy). Gotta go online to find it. Meh.

Fignuts 12-15-2014 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4557336)

- For some fucking reason Capcom did NOT put Omega movelists in the game. This is an amazing fuck up (or negligence/apathy). Gotta go online to find it. Gay.

That is super retarded.

Ultra retarded, even.

Kalyx triaD 12-16-2014 12:26 AM

PDF download of the Omega movelists:

Fignuts 12-16-2014 02:38 AM

Wow, Abel got a ton of new stuff. Gonna have to pick him up again.

Fignuts 12-16-2014 05:49 PM

Played this for a while today. Lot of interesting stuff here.

The biggest changes are that Deejay and Decapre are no longer charge characters.

Abel's got a lot of changes too, but they suck imo.

Cammy is going to be even more of an ungodly whore to face, but that's alright because so is Juri. Can now store 3 fireballs in the same time it used to take to store one. And they can be unleashed as fireballs or unique physical attacks.

Adon has some cool new stuff too.

Kalyx triaD 12-16-2014 08:02 PM

Yeah Juri is interesting enough for me to try.

SNLfunnyguy 12-17-2014 03:45 AM

If this is just a PS4 exclusive, it's a huge dent to XB1 (of which I own).

Kalyx triaD 12-17-2014 05:22 AM

It is.

Kalyx triaD 12-17-2014 05:31 AM

How many of us are checking out Omega Street Fighter? I wanna open a lobby sometime. I wanna pad my YouTube uploads.

Fignuts 12-17-2014 12:43 PM

Some ridiculous combos being shown off so far, though I'm guessing they take a level of execution that I just don't have.

Kalyx triaD 12-17-2014 01:35 PM

Actually it seems links are easier and a lot of stuff aren't too crazy. Nailed some new Cammy combos first try. And in any case you have more defensive attacks than usual.

Fignuts 12-18-2014 01:32 AM

I'll say one thing, they'd better have a way better fucking netcode in this.

Jesus christ, just played some IV with Kalyx and it was fucking terrible. Used to be able to play this game without a hitch, but since the Ultra update it's been godawful.

Know it's not my internet, cause it's faster now than it's ever been.

Kalyx triaD 12-18-2014 07:09 PM

Yeah this is worse than in the past. And playing SFxT is night and day. Sucks because I very much enjoy Omega. Best thing since this game launched.

Kalyx triaD 12-18-2014 07:10 PM

There was a match where I threw Figs enough to rage a bit. Gonna put that on YouTube.

Fignuts 12-18-2014 10:19 PM

Please don't.

Fignuts 12-18-2014 10:22 PM

Also, no more late night sessions for me, outside of fridays and saturdays. Work mornings now.

Kalyx triaD 01-01-2015 03:46 AM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Kalyx triaD 01-31-2015 06:43 AM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Emperor Smeat 02-24-2015 05:38 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Besides whipping out a new trailer and screenshots, Capcom has announced the Street Fighter V beta, which it's calling "the largest and most ambitious online beta program in franchise history." To participate in North America, you'll need to pre-order the game for PlayStation 4 or PC.

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