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#BROKEN Hasney 05-24-2017 05:33 AM

Oh, I also watched Giant Bomb play the strike at the demo and it looked pretty good. Might be a good podcast game if they can actually keep that quality up throughout the whole package, which was one of the worst parts of the original. So inconsistent.

Sepholio 05-24-2017 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by #BROKEN Hasney (Post 4971289)
Nah, AMD CPUs are hamstrung by 10 year old tech and shitty efficiency that has now been rectified with Ryzen, but not in time for Pro/Scorpio. All those consoles have done is boost the GPU to get a higher resolution.

They could tone down elements of the world to get the framerate up, but the CPUs are so hamstrung that just toning down the graphics to prioritise framerate just isn't that possible anymore.

Still, Ryzen is so fucking good that the next iterations should be a lot better.

Ryzen is the fucking tits. I love mine. Also hope next gen systems incorporate M.2 SSDs.

Kalyx triaD 06-11-2017 04:43 AM


Here is a compilation of everything we know about Destiny 2. If I missed anything, please tell me along with the source you confirmed this from so that I can add it to the list. If you want me to give you the source for anything listed here, let me know and I will provide.


--Xbox One and PS4 editions of the game to release September 8, 2017.
--PC edition of the game to release at a later date.
--PC edition is releasing at a later date to make the game feel designed for PC as well to not be "just a port."
--Xbox One and PS4 editions are capped at 30 FPS (Xbox Scorpio TBD)
--PC will run an uncapped framerate.
--Beta dates expected to be revealed at E3 (Will Update)
--Season Pass available for preorder, with the first expansion to be related to Osiris and the second to be related to Rasputin.
--Destiny 2 will run a Dedicated Servers/P2P hybrid.
--Vanilla max level will be level 20 and max light is unknown.
--You will be able to travel from place to place in your director without needing to go to orbit.


--Gunplay and UI to remain the same as Destiny 1, with a few minor changes.
--Subclass perk trees have been simplified to two paths to choose from. These paths require an item to unlock.
--Each class has a class ability, with Hunters having a Shadestep 2.0, Warlocks having a placeable rift that heals or gives you bonus damage (think a current Ward of Dawn without the bubble, just effects), and Titans having a placeable barrier.
--Each class ability has different upgrades.
--The following subclasses are being improved, but are more or less the same as D1 subclasses: Gunslinger, Nightstalker, Voidwalker, Stormcaller, Striker and Sunbreaker.
--The following subclasses are being replaced: Sunsinger, Defender and Bladedancer.
--Dawnblade is the new Warlock solar subclass, which gives you the ability to fly and chuck flaming swords. (Gameplay already available)
--Sentinel is the new Titan void subclass, which gives you a shield that you can throw, hit stuff with and use to defend. Think the Aegis from Vault of Glass that you can throw and doesn’t have a “defense buble.” (Gameplay at E3)
--Arcstrider is the new Hunter arc subclass, which is basically a MUCH more agile Bladedancer with a pole instead of a blade. It has been said by Bungie that this subclass makes good use of the Hunter’s dodge ability.
--Titans and Warlocks can no longer Titan or Warlock skate.
--Driveable tanks are seen in the trailer.
--Iron Banner and Trials of the Nine (Same as Trials of Osiris) are game modes as they are now.


--Light Machine Guns are not in Destiny 2. SMG’s and Grenade Launchers are now present in Destiny 2.
--The weapons system is being reworked. Instead of Primary, Secondary and Heavy Weapons, we now have Kinetic, Energy and Power Weapons.
--Kinetic Weapons are non-elemental weapons that include Hand Cannons, Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles, SMG’s and Sidearms.
--Energy Weapons are elemental weapons that include Hand Cannons, Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles, SMG’s and Sidearms.
--Power Weapons are elemental or non-elemental weapons that include Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Fusion Rifles, Rocket Launchers and Grenade Launchers.
--Bosses and higher health enemies are being adjusted to compensate for these changes.
--Enemy Guardians in PVP now require a few more shots from each Kinetic or Energy weapon to kill.
--Melee’s now three-shot in PVP.
--Sticky Grenades no longer one-shot in PVP.
--Power Ammo spawns more frequently in PVP, but only the person who picks it up gets the ammo.
--In the Crucible, Power Weapons will deal more damage to a super of the same element (Ex: Solar Weapon does more damage to Gunslinger).
--All supers are now a two-shot kill from other supers.
--Swords are also confirmed to be in Destiny 2.


--Intellect, Discipline and Strength values are no longer on armor and no longer affect cooldown time for abilities.
--Armor, Recovery and Agility are no longer customizable through subclass perk nodes, but through armor.
--From what we have seen, Hunter armor is more agility focused, Warlock armor is more recovery focused, and Titan armor is more armor focused.
--Artifacts are no longer in the game, but have been replaced by Clan Banners.
--We have yet to see what Clan Banners do.


--We have seen four confirmed exotic weapons as of now: Dubious Volley (Exotic Rocket Launcher), Riskrunner (Exotic SMG), Sweet Business (Exotic Auto Rifle) and Sunshot (Exotic Hand Cannon).
--Bungie has stated that the rarity of exotics will be in the middle of Year One and Year Three.


--The vanilla story will have more cutscenes than Destiny and all of the expansions did combined.
--We will lose our powers, but regain the via a shard of the Traveler in the European Dead Zone.
--Current planets include Earth, Nessus, Io and Titan.
--As of now, we will be seeing the Cabal, Vex, SIVA Fallen and Hive in vanilla Destiny 2.
--The first mission is not Homecoming, as shown in the gameplay reveal. There will be a tutorial mission beforehand.
--One social space is confirmed as of now, which is the Farm. More, perhaps?


--New and improved UI that shows who on both teams has a super.
--The game calls out when and where power ammo is picked up, and by whom.
--The game tells when somebody uses a super.
--Kinetic and Energy weapons take a few more shots to kill than current Primaries and Sidearms.
--Not too much has changed otherwise that we now of right now.

ClockShot 06-11-2017 06:55 AM

Meh, I still don't know. Feels like they're are complicating a few things that can just stay the same.

No LMGs (farewell Thunderlord :'(), standard/special/heavy is replace by kinetic/power/energy, guided games, 4v4 pvp, etc. Just alot to take in/get used to.

Maybe the Microsoft or Sony presser will have a good presentation that may convince me more.

Kalyx triaD 06-11-2017 12:06 PM

It seems they streamlined a lot of things, really.

Emperor Smeat 06-16-2017 05:08 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Destiny 2's PlayStation exclusive content will arrive on Xbox One and PC in 2018.</p>&mdash; Luke Smith (@thislukesmith) <a href="">June 15, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Fignuts 06-16-2017 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4977635)
It seems they streamlined a lot of things, really.

This is why I'm not that hyped yet. The developers hinted that there were going to be major changes. "Destiny 2 is a completely different animal" was one quote. So far nothing shown really shakes up the formula as much as was implied.

#BROKEN Hasney 06-16-2017 05:41 PM

They didn't even include beards

Emperor Smeat 06-29-2017 05:42 PM

Bunige announced several dates for the game's upcoming beta with PS4 owners getting it first.


By way of pre-orders you'll be able to play it on PS4 first on July 18 at 10AM PT, followed by July 21 access at that same time in an open format. The Xbox One beta kicks off a day later on July 19 at 10AM PT, and will also open up on July 21. PC access unfortunately is scheduled for "late August," which is right before the game is even out on consoles in September (the full PC edition will hit a month later in October).

ClockShot 07-18-2017 11:13 AM

Anybody on the PS4 pre-order this and playing the beta today?

Would appreciate if you could share your thoughts. Still not sold on it yet.

#BROKEN Hasney 07-20-2017 03:08 AM

Got halfway through the story mission and thought "Yup, this is Destiny" and uninstalled it. It feels like an add-on pack with upgraded production values.

drave 07-20-2017 06:09 AM

BUT IT HAS A 2!!!!!!

alvarado52 07-20-2017 02:43 PM

I pre-ordered, but only because I had a bunch of points to spend on my Playstation account...otherwise, I wouldnt have spent a dime on this.

Its'll be fun for like 10 minutes when you have a group of buddies on with a common goal, then it'll fall out of favor.

The game feel completely identical to Destiny 1, with a few more particle effects.

#BROKEN Hasney 07-20-2017 05:44 PM

I'm going to try the PC beta. I might enjoy it more at a higher framerate and mouse.

ClockShot 07-21-2017 03:42 PM

Currently downloading Destiny 2 beta.

Here's hoping...

ClockShot 07-22-2017 08:57 PM

So, let's see.

I finish the first mission. And the only options I have are the Strike and a couple multiplayer modes. And supposedly they're opening up The Farm for a single hour........sometime. Not much of a test if you ask me.

During the alpha & beta tests for Destiny 1, we had all of Earth to explore, a handful of missions, a strike, golden chest hunting, some multiplayer, AND IF YOU WERE LUCKY AND TIMED IT RIGHT, went and explored the Moon.

Don't even get me started on the weapons.:fu:

I've played enough. I'm going to pass on this for right now. If I got a bunch of friends who grab this and need an extra guy, I'll get it on the cheap. But for now, no reason to rush to Gamestop and put down $5.

drave 07-23-2017 02:17 PM

Definitely same shit, different destiny.

Kalyx triaD 07-23-2017 11:11 PM

Not too crazy with the removal of loadout options with the subclasses but it does streamline things. I'm not so sure this is day-1 for me but it does make for a great for 'lounge' game. Playing patrol and such while listening to youtube.

ClockShot 07-24-2017 06:12 PM

Don't know if anyone cares or not. But, the beta got extended to Tuesday.

ClockShot 07-27-2017 05:12 PM

Got an e-mail from Gamestop telling me to pre-order now and get a shitload of more in-game goodies.

I don't know who's more desperate right now. Bungie for the game's success? Or Gamestop for getting more sales?

Kalyx triaD 07-27-2017 08:48 PM

Either way I don't think sales are gonna be what they want it to be. It's very clear Destiny as a series will not be one of the big franchises Halo was.

Between that and CoDWW2's similar lukewarm image, Activision needs to do some soul searching. Overwatch, Halo 5, Battlefield 1, GTA Online, and Titanfall 2 have varying populations but very strong attachment with the gamers they have. And they all have very strong post-releases. These are literally Destiny and CoDs weaknesses.

They have to adjust.

Fignuts 08-13-2017 04:34 AM

From Edge Magazine

"in total there are over 80 missions and activities in Destiny 2, and each is substantial -- in length, challenge, story and reward."
Also mentioned over 50 hours of story content.

So I'll probably be getting this when it comes out.

alvarado52 08-13-2017 06:18 PM

Wish they would let progression switch between PS4 and X1 for those of us who may have both consoles with active friends...

Kalyx triaD 08-13-2017 06:40 PM

The Sony exclusive content puts a kink on that.

Fignuts 08-13-2017 06:40 PM

Gonna try and convince the heisenberg world order to pick it up so we can do raids and shit.

Kalyx triaD 08-13-2017 06:56 PM

Probably still gonna grind and do patrols and weekly stuff just to put together the right build and bust heads on PvP again. Glad to hear the adjustments with Crucible post beta.

I really hope more sub-'sub'-classes gets added because the new system really hurts creativity and flexibility. Especially with the new rule for some missions where you can't change your build once you start.

Emperor Smeat 08-31-2017 05:54 PM

Australia and Japan to get the game first due to the staggered midnight release system setup by Bungie. US will get the game last but with a twist.


Given that Destiny 2 is such a massive online-only release with millions of worldwide fans, it's tough to just flip a switch and have everyone get access at the same time. To combat any server stoppage problems, Bungie is rolling out a staggered launch schedule, with certain regions gaining access before others.

The way it works is that once it hits midnight in any given region, you're good to go. Australia and Japan get in first, then naturally most of Europe, then the US. But the latter region has a proviso -- if you live on the west coast, you'll be able to access the game at 9PM PT, the same time as east coast midnight. This is for PS4, mind, as a result of a Sony-specific announcement, but we've reached out to Microsoft to confirm that they're doing the same rollout.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-01-2017 07:19 AM

Playing the PC version of Destiny 2 after the PS4 Pro version

ClockShot 09-01-2017 04:53 PM

Raid goes live 1 week after launch.

Yep. Yet again, it's the race to max level/light. THEN the test begins on this guided games idea.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-03-2017 09:26 AM

Apparently, story missions will not be playable in co-op first time around, only after beating them.


Kalyx triaD 09-03-2017 03:14 PM


Kalyx triaD 09-03-2017 03:19 PM

Only early parts of the story. Bungie confirmed.

Shadow 09-04-2017 05:14 PM

After going through the first mission solo in the beta....yeah that's fine.

And also purchased this.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-05-2017 10:10 AM

Polygons review has the following quote which makes me want to get it

"It's Destiny, without all the bullshit."

Kalyx triaD 09-05-2017 02:54 PM


Emperor Smeat 09-06-2017 05:28 PM

The newly revamped clan system won't be available till "several days" after launch according to Bungie.

Unlike with the first game Sparrows will be limited to rare status in terms of item drop rates. Official reason related to Bungie wanting players to rush less through the game's content and instead spend more time exploring.

Japan decided to celebrate the launch of the game via a dancing commercial for the game.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ClockShot 09-06-2017 08:40 PM

Yeah, I don't get the no Sparrow thing. Another reason to not buy the game this soon.

Sparrow Racing League was fun and the improved Sparrows that came along later were cool as hell.

Fignuts 09-06-2017 09:05 PM

Kinda get where they're coming from, and I like exploring so I don't really mind, but it's only going to annoy people at the end of the day.

Kalyx triaD 09-06-2017 09:24 PM

If you want people to explore you make the world worth exploring. You don't artificially keep people on their feet.

Fignuts 09-07-2017 06:05 AM

Played through the opening mission. !0 minutes and I'm already way more invested in the story than I ever was in the first game.

Looks fucking gorgeous too. Can't really speak any more on it until I do more missions and open the game up.

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