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DaveWadding 09-03-2016 01:42 PM

Lucha Underground: Season 3

Season 3 starts this week. Shit will go down. Post about it here.

Anybody Thrilla 09-08-2016 03:53 PM

So far, so good. Marty the Moth is becoming one of my favorites. I also really like the Underground Worldwide stable.

DaveWadding 09-08-2016 09:33 PM

if you need a way to catch up/ see what the hype is about with Lucha Underground, go90 (Verizon's streaming video app) just added the 1st half of season 2. It's free to anyone, just search the App/Play Store, and you can Cast via Chromecast/Roku/Fire Stick

DaveWadding 09-10-2016 08:41 PM

Pretty good start to the season. Nothing overly spectacular, but solid shit all around. I did notice that Pentagon looks like a monster in comparison to Rey Rey.

Mr. Nerfect 09-13-2016 07:10 AM

I've been meaning to check it out. I had this peak level of interest after Ultima Lucha and the start of Season 2. I'm finding that interest has waned considerably. I'm not sure if it was the news of all the injuries, talent leaving or Lucha Underground generally being douches about talent leaving. How did the end of the season go?

DaveWadding 09-24-2016 01:29 PM

End of season was good. Rey Mysetrio came in and tore it up. New season is great too. Never liked Cage or Texano for a long time, then my feelings for both guys grew and I felt that it would be awesome at Ultima Lucha Dos and now they're doing the Ultimate Opportunity, which is so great.

Anybody Thrilla 09-24-2016 01:45 PM

Cage is amazing, really.

DaveWadding 09-24-2016 01:47 PM

The stuff he can do at his size is pretty ridiculous.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-24-2016 02:06 PM

I love how you can see that Kanyon is Cage's trainer just by watching him. Totally different wrestler, but just that innovative style.

Really shocked WWE haven't grabbed him yet.

DaveWadding 09-24-2016 02:38 PM

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0511247444% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url( T6uGQcvu2h2OVuIf/gWUFyy8OWEpdyZSa3aVCqpVoVvzZZ2VTnn2wU8qzVjDDetO90GSy9mVLqtgYSy231MxrY6I2gGqjrTY0L8fxCxfCBbhWrsYYAAAA AElFTkSuQmCC); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; ██████████relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">This event was one of my favorites last year and a big reason why I'm happy where I am at and not in WWE. Doing it again this week! Awesome match, awesome time, all inclusive resort, paid for paid vacation yes please. Only thing better is having my #queen hailing my from the 559 with the machine......oh wait, she is. #win #queenandthemachine #hardrock #cancun #GMSI #LUCHADORDESTROYER #food #food #food #pool #beach #entertainment #food #cage #melissasantos</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A photo posted by Brian Cage Button (@briancage) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2016-09-13T06:56:31+00:00">Sep 12, 2016 at 11:56pm PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>
<script async defer src="//"></script>

DaveWadding 09-24-2016 02:41 PM

he seems happy and is banging Melissa Santos on the side. Sounds like the good life to me.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-24-2016 04:06 PM

I'm surprised they haven't gone for her too. She's much better than anyone in WWE.

Emperor Smeat 09-24-2016 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by #BROKEN Hasney (Post 4864186)
I'm surprised they haven't gone for her too. She's much better than anyone in WWE.

They've tried at least once or twice to get her but either LU pays her more or she'd be in the same situation like Prince Puma where whoever signs her, can't have her on tv till the end of Season 3 at the earliest.

Anybody Thrilla 09-24-2016 06:15 PM

I was reading up on that some time ago, and it appears that Cage did spend some time in WWE developmental somewhere or other. Not sure how he didn't get more of a shot.

Anybody Thrilla 09-24-2016 06:16 PM

Didn't know he was trained by Kanyon, but he definitely did drop a "WHO BETTER THAN CAGE?" on the most recent episode. Makes sense now.

DaveWadding 09-24-2016 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Anybody Thrilla (Post 4864206)
I was reading up on that some time ago, and it appears that Cage did spend some time in WWE developmental somewhere or other. Not sure how he didn't get more of a shot.

I read he was in FCW about the time that EC3 and a bunch of others were (Wyatt, Dallas, Justin Gabriel/PJ Black)

Mr. Nerfect 09-24-2016 07:33 PM

He was Kris Logan in FCW. I don't know why he was released. He called them "idiots" for letting him go, but he might just be working. He says he's open to going back. I didn't see much of his work, but they might have just wanted him to go and get some more seasoning. That seems weird, since they were producing a clone factory at that point in time, and even now, they say they want people trained properly, but the guys that carry NXT all have experience in many different styles.

If I were him, I'd send feelers to the WWE when my contract with LU/AAA is up. He reminds me of a good Ryback.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-26-2016 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Anybody Thrilla (Post 4864207)
Didn't know he was trained by Kanyon, but he definitely did drop a "WHO BETTER THAN CAGE?" on the most recent episode. Makes sense now.

Only just caught up because there's what too much wrestling, but yeah, that made me smile.

Even though it's in the early establishing stories phase for the season, I think it's top quality right out of the gate. Like that Ivelyse and Katrina already have a match set for the season finale, there's tension in the Worldwide Underground and we haven't even got to Paul London yet. There's not a person on the roster who sticks out as making me want to fast forward, which is astounding.

Mil was the only guy I didn't like for the longest time as he's just a slow lumbering hoss, but once he got going with the brawls in grave consequences and him and Matanza going through the roof, I loved him. Marty the Moth is great too after that WMD match.

From top to bottom, the best hour of wrestling on TV still. Great roster, great matches and the storyline and production are top notch. Still laughed at Honkey being a random cop in the jail.

DaveWadding 09-30-2016 10:53 PM

Pentagon Dark is the best, I swear.

In this ring, I don't even respect my own mother, because I'm Pentagon Dark Y CERO MIEDOOOOOOOOOOOOO

KIRA 10-01-2016 08:26 PM

I Marty was brilliant just brilliant. I also love how in the LU male female in ring encounters are treated so casually its easy to get used to and they do a good job of making The likes of Sexy Star look more than capable of delivering beat downs

Could gush about this show forever

Then again this is the company that made me like Ezekiel Jackson so not too surprised as what they manage to pull off anymore just enjoying it

Blonde Moment 10-01-2016 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by KIRA (Post 4867669)
I Marty was brilliant just brilliant. I also love how in the LU male female in ring encounters are treated so casually its easy to get used to and they do a good job of making The likes of Sexy Star look more than capable of delivering beat downs

Could gush about this show forever

Then again this is the company that made me like Ezekiel Jackson so not too surprised as what they manage to pull off anymore just enjoying it

They have no issues making everyone look as good as they can. ZEveryone seems to get a moment.

Mr. Nerfect 10-02-2016 03:24 AM

I didn't realize that Cheerleader Melissa was working for them. That is cool. She is wonderful.

Emperor Smeat 10-02-2016 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Noid (Post 4867821)
I didn't realize that Cheerleader Melissa was working for them. That is cool. She is wonderful.

Yeah she was involved in the Marty vs Sexy Star feud last season. Ended with a really good I Quit match between her and Star.

Mr. Nerfect 10-02-2016 07:55 PM

Sexy Star seems like a real trooper from what I've seen. I was a bit annoyed the WWE passed her up a few years ago.

#BROKEN Hasney 10-03-2016 01:46 PM

THE DAREWOLF PJ Black has broken both of his ankles base jumping.


Anybody Thrilla 10-03-2016 03:44 PM

Oh shit, Cheerleader Melissa is Mariposa?

thecc 10-03-2016 04:30 PM

What are some good Matanza matches I should check out? I've seen a few Jeff Cobb matches in PWG and he's quickly become one of my new favorites.

#BROKEN Hasney 10-06-2016 01:27 PM

Huh, I didn't know Solomon Crowe had left WWE. Sweet to see him in Lucha.

DaveWadding 10-08-2016 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by thecc (Post 4868534)
What are some good Matanza matches I should check out? I've seen a few Jeff Cobb matches in PWG and he's quickly become one of my new favorites.

Matanza vs. Mil Muertes

KIRA 10-08-2016 09:25 PM

So Jim Cornette hates LU with a passion he specifically points out that Sexy Star beating male wrestlers is stupid and ridiculous.

we can't be friends anymore

DaveWadding 10-08-2016 11:45 PM

That's because Sexy Star is the most overrated luchador on the show.

Anybody Thrilla 10-09-2016 12:03 AM

She's no The Mack, I'll tell you that.

DaveWadding 10-09-2016 12:18 AM

Everyone loves The Mack. Everyone.

Anybody Thrilla 10-09-2016 12:25 AM

As they should.

DaveWadding 10-11-2016 07:28 PM

It's been 13 weeks since we've seen King Cuerno. I am afraid he's gone forever.

Emperor Smeat 10-11-2016 10:55 PM

Think he left the company during last season's tapings. More due to LU's co-owner Mexican promotion AAA recent money problems and horrible management than anything LU related itself.

DaveWadding 10-12-2016 12:51 AM

He's still performing in AAA.

Emperor Smeat 10-12-2016 01:05 AM

Either he must have reconsidered recently or maybe it was just from LU he left. Don't think he was involved in any of the tapings for this season.

LU has a similar problem with at least 2 other stars after this season with one already confirmed gone due to retirement.

DaveWadding 10-12-2016 02:23 AM

I read that Cuerno was invited to the CWC and AAA wouldn't let him go. I think I would have died.

DaveWadding 10-14-2016 05:27 PM

This week's ep was so good. the tag match was so good.

And the
triple threat with Pentagon/Chavo/Rey
Are you kidding me? Awesome.

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