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Rollermacka 07-04-2018 05:16 PM

Honestly.... how much WWE would you say you watch in a week?
Lets take reruns off the table (old episodes of Nitro/ PPVs, ECW, etc), every week there are new episodes of RAW, Smackdown, 205 Live, NXT, Main Event, network exclusive shows and a UK show to debut soon. So of this roughly 9 hours of WWE every week, how much of it would you say you actually watch? (for example you roughly DVR through 2/3 of RAW and half of Smackdown and watch all of NXT so you actually watch 3 hours of WWE content)

Outsider 07-04-2018 05:25 PM

I "watch" RAW and Smackdown (recorded, as am in the UK and am not staying up till 5am for bloody RAW), although how much attention to them is a different issue.

Watch every episode of NXT, although will sometimes not watch for a bit and then binge watch a few at a time. Watch every Takeover.

Tend to watch most PPVs, bit if the card looks particuarly dull I won't bother. Only watch the pre-show if I'm up, will never watch it specifically.

Don't watch 205 Live. Which I know I should as I'd enjoy it. Have never watched Main Event.

Watch everything so far from the UK Division and am likely to be an avid watcher when it starts properly.

Destor 07-04-2018 05:27 PM

0 hours

Destor 07-04-2018 05:27 PM

Once every few months I'll sit down and watch a card

Mr. Nerfect 07-04-2018 05:31 PM

0 most weeks, but occasionally I'll go into a "let's see where we are mood" and watch a PPV and maybe some of the main TV.

Gerard 07-04-2018 05:34 PM

The occasional ppv, raw highlights so a couple per month.

Ultra Mantis 07-04-2018 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5142379)
0 hours

Pretty much. I used to watch the odd 1 minute youtube clip here and there if something sounded interesting but I feel like I haven't done that since Fashion Police died or there's been a Bate / Dunne / Seven match. Last full card I watched was the 2 night UK Championship Tournament last year, and I have not watched a full main roster show since Royal Rumble 16.

Destor 07-04-2018 05:45 PM

I just cant get into a product that isnt over. I was trained to believe that if it isnt over its bad and the only product that is over right now is in japan. Not being a snob with that it just is what it is.

I watched mania and maybe 3 parts of the show were over. Crowds are watching it but they dont care. Not truly. Only thing that anyone honestly cares about is Reigns.

Destor 07-04-2018 05:45 PM

Rousey was over

Destor 07-04-2018 05:45 PM

Asuka was over

Destor 07-04-2018 05:45 PM

Thats it

Emperor Smeat 07-04-2018 05:53 PM

Usually 6 hours from RAW, Smackdown, and NXT with the occasional 205 Live episode and anything else that might be interesting in the week like the UK tourney.

RAW usually gets the background treatment, same for like half of Smackdown because I'm working on the dirtsheets thread, and NXT usually gets my full attention watching.

Mr. Nerfect 07-04-2018 06:01 PM

Destor, what do you think about Braun? People get annoyed with me because I don't think he's that over. I get told he gets "great reactions" and then get told they're "tepid by old standards, sure." I watched the clip of him fucking around with Owens on Raw and I watched the crowd. Every time I have seen him it's a few notches above golf clap.

The "if it's not over, it's not good" philosophy makes total sense, because if your job is to get an emotional investment out of people so that they spend money on seeing more of you/the promotion, then them sitting on their hands or standing up just to get a better angle with bemused looks on their faces isn't going to guarantee that. You want to get that exhilarating experience that god damn religious institutions do out of people. What church, other than the ones you are born into and programmed to go to, expect people to come back by telling them that "Eh, it doesn't really matter if you come back," and make them feel average about their life choices?

Bad News Gertner 07-04-2018 06:02 PM

Destor 07-04-2018 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Noid (Post 5142429)
Destor, what do you think about Braun? People get annoyed with me because I don't think he's that over. I get told he gets "great reactions" and then get told they're "tepid by old standards, sure." I watched the clip of him fucking around with Owens on Raw and I watched the crowd. Every time I have seen him it's a few notches above golf clap.

The "if it's not over, it's not good" philosophy makes total sense, because if your job is to get an emotional investment out of people so that they spend money on seeing more of you/the promotion, then them sitting on their hands or standing up just to get a better angle with bemused looks on their faces isn't going to guarantee that. You want to get that exhilarating experience that god damn religious institutions do out of people. What church, other than the ones you are born into and programmed to go to, expect people to come back by telling them that "Eh, it doesn't really matter if you come back," and make them feel average about their life choices?

I think Braun could get over any day now. He was real close when they were doing him and brock. Gets good pops for the most part. I think the potential exists. Its all theoretical with him though.

Mr. Nerfect 07-04-2018 06:09 PM

Didn't see him with Brock, beyond the gif of Brock punching him in the head. He'll probably get a great reaction if he cashes in the briefcase on Roman after Roman beats Brock.

Ol Dirty Dastard 07-04-2018 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Noid (Post 5142384)
0 most weeks, but occasionally I'll go into a "let's see where we are mood" and watch a PPV and maybe some of the main TV.

Destor 07-04-2018 06:13 PM

The crowd was ready to worhsip him during the brock run. I think pulling the trigger would have hurt though because of his skill level. Hes still pretty limited in ring. So i dont disagree with cooling him off perse. One of those calls were its do you let him get hot now and burn out quick or cool him off and hope you can get him some traction again later when he's more seasoned. Tough choice.

Destor 07-04-2018 06:13 PM

We'll see how it pays off in 3 years and we can look back on it.

Mr. Nerfect 07-04-2018 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5142445)
The crowd was ready to worhsip him during the brock run. I think pulling the trigger would have hurt though because of his skill level. Hes still pretty limited in ring. So i dont disagree with cooling him off perse. One of those calls were its do you let him get hot now and burn out quick or cool him off and hope you can get him some traction again later when he's more seasoned. Tough choice.

My sentiments pretty much echo that. The guy is not there yet, so you can't build around him, because that will fall apart. Agree with the tough choice, because it's in my head that if you push people past him, they're going to get backlash for overtaking Braun, but if you push Braun, then you're pushing Braun. On top of that is whether or not he'll get back to where he was.

They've been testing him from day one. I hear that Braun was always booked really well. I see what people mean, but the guy lost every PPV match he was in since the brand split until at least WrestleMania. He was eliminated from the Survivor Series and his team also lost, he lost to Sami Zayn at ROADBLOCK: END OF THE LINE due to the time limit, got eliminated from the Royal Rumble, lost to Roman, and didn't win the Andre Battle Royal. That's five straight PPV losses. Only one by pin, granted, so they "protected him," but they've fashioned him to be able to take losses in the way they want big men to be able to.

He's always felt like their next Kane to me during this period. A guy they want to be able to plug into upper mid-card stuff and be able to say "Isn't Braun scary?" when he realistically hasn't done anything for a long period of time. He seems to have passed all those tests and they're going to try him as the superhero babyface.

slik 07-04-2018 06:28 PM

RAW and SDLive

Watch all PPVs, including Takeovers
Thinking about giving up RAW and just watching highlights though, it's just 'not good' overall. SD on the other hand I really enjoy.

screech 07-04-2018 06:34 PM

I watch RAW, SD, and NXT on Hulu. I tend to skip stuff on RAW, since I really don't need the "here's what happened earlier" when I've literally just seen that moment. So I guess up to 4 hours weekly is my answer.

I watch every Takeover and PPV, though sometimes I watch PPVs a day later so I can skip stuff. I've watched Main Event once in the last 6 years maybe and I've never seen 205 Live.

I do enjoy a few Network shows (Ride Along, Swerved, E&C, Table for 3), but I usually watch those a few episodes at a time.

A.J.K 07-04-2018 08:55 PM

Raw and Smackdown- i look at the results, if something peaks my interest , i fast-forward to it.

NXT - every other week.

PPV - i try to stay awake

otherwise i watch the old stuff.

DaveWadding 07-04-2018 10:18 PM

I would say 4 hours on a non PPV week. NXT, 205, a couple other various things like Ride Along or whatever.

Then add PPVs.

Simple Fan 07-04-2018 10:40 PM

Just Raw and Smackdown and the PPVs. Will watch NXT every once in awhile. Have never checked out 205 Live though.

#1-norm-fan 07-04-2018 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Noid (Post 5142455)
My sentiments pretty much echo that. The guy is not there yet, so you can't build around him, because that will fall apart. Agree with the tough choice, because it's in my head that if you push people past him, they're going to get backlash for overtaking Braun, but if you push Braun, then you're pushing Braun. On top of that is whether or not he'll get back to where he was.

They've been testing him from day one. I hear that Braun was always booked really well. I see what people mean, but the guy lost every PPV match he was in since the brand split until at least WrestleMania. He was eliminated from the Survivor Series and his team also lost, he lost to Sami Zayn at ROADBLOCK: END OF THE LINE due to the time limit, got eliminated from the Royal Rumble, lost to Roman, and didn't win the Andre Battle Royal. That's five straight PPV losses. Only one by pin, granted, so they "protected him," but they've fashioned him to be able to take losses in the way they want big men to be able to.

He's always felt like their next Kane to me during this period. A guy they want to be able to plug into upper mid-card stuff and be able to say "Isn't Braun scary?" when he realistically hasn't done anything for a long period of time. He seems to have passed all those tests and they're going to try him as the superhero babyface.

I think where you and I differ on Braun is that I think "He's over by today's standards and that's something to build on" and you think "Over 'by today's standards' isn't that over."

I don't really care for Braun that much. I don't think he has much megastar potential when it comes to him carrying the show. But he's a main event face that hits Vince's basic checkmarks who ACTUALLY gets a face reaction in 2018. Which is crazy. The booking will surely fuck him up, if it hasn't started to already. But let's just start with being thankful that a non-IWCcentric guy WWE wants to be a main event face is getting the proper reactions and build from there.

#1-norm-fan 07-04-2018 11:04 PM

And to answer the question, like 5 minutes. I like to keep up with what's going on because wrestling is probably my favorite form of entertainment of all time and I wanna stay informed on the business but watching any more than very important highlights would just be brutal.

SlickyTrickyDamon 07-04-2018 11:06 PM

NXT usually the whole episode

Skip through Raw and Smackdown if it records and only focus on guys I like (Rusev, The Revival, Daniel Bryan etc)

Mr. Nerfect 07-04-2018 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by #1-wwf-fan (Post 5142674)
I think where you and I differ on Braun is that I think "He's over by today's standards and that's something to build on" and you think "Over 'by today's standards' isn't that over."

I don't really care for Braun that much. I don't think he has much megastar potential when it comes to him carrying the show. But he's a main event face that hits Vince's basic checkmarks who ACTUALLY gets a face reaction in 2018. Which is crazy. The booking will surely fuck him up, if it hasn't started to already. But let's just start with being thankful that a non-IWCcentric guy WWE wants to be a main event face is getting the proper reactions and build from there.

Something to build on, I agree with. Those who think it's something you can build around are pushing it a bit far, I think. He doesn't get booed, but he also hasn't been put into position yet. I think he's going to get it though. It feels like all these lame antics are ways they can trial whether or not they can do this bullshit each week instead of 20-minute talkies in the middle of the ring.

#1-norm-fan 07-04-2018 11:25 PM

Which is silly because all the guy needs to do is beat the living shit out of annoying heels to get over and having him do comedy is counterproductive. But the fact that he's still getting a reaction regardless of how ridiculous his booking may get is something to latch onto. Though granted, a lot of that is definitely "he's not Reigns".

#1-norm-fan 07-04-2018 11:30 PM

And for the record, I think there's a place for the "fun-loving monster" character. I think Big Show's impersonation gimmick was great. Hell, I thought Brodus Clay was great. It's weird for a new guy you wanna push as a main eventer though. Especially a guy who doesn't have the charisma of either of those guys because you definitely can't write it. Comedy in wrestling is best left to the boys.

Mr. Nerfect 07-04-2018 11:32 PM

He looked more comfortable on Raw than I've seen him. Like he's "having fun." Seems to genuinely like his role. It just does nothing for me and it seems only half the crowd is with it at any given time, even though the other half don't boo him.

But I think as a top babyface Vince is going to want him to do the kissing babies/tell crackin' jokes thing. I think it's inescapable for anyone in this day and age. He's got to be able to do it to make it to that level.

Lock Jaw 07-05-2018 01:26 AM

I "watch" RAW every week (have it on and only actually pay attention to my TV for 1-3 segments)

I watch Smackdown every week (and pay attention to most of the show)

I go through periods where I will watch NXT and 205 Live for a few weeks, and then I won't. Right now I haven't watched either in awhile. Which is a shame, because I know in my heart that they are better than watching RAW, but for whatever reason I have a problem and can't stop watching RAW.

BigCrippyZ 07-05-2018 02:04 AM

Basically zero, except for the random week once every 6-8 weeks where I might be flipping through and watch a segment or part of a segment. Then I realize how horrible it is and remember why I stopped watching and turn the channel.

#1-norm-fan 07-05-2018 03:15 AM

I introduced a friend to WWE during WrestleMania. She decided on her favorites and I've made it a point to not introduce her to any more wrestling than necessary since then because it will ruin everything. Seriously, it's the only show that I would introduce someone to and then try to help them avoid for the sake of maintaining their "fandom".

Lock Jaw 07-05-2018 03:49 AM

Who was in her Fave Five?

mrwalty 07-05-2018 06:14 AM

UK viewer here

RAW I DVR and watch whenever I can. I do say I fastforward alot of it though

Smackdown same as RAW

NXT hardly ever

PPVS I watch if I like the results.

More interested in the tables for 3 and the 24 series on the network

Rammsteinmad 07-05-2018 07:12 AM

My entire wrestling viewing these days can be done in about an hour. Skimming everything or just watching YouTube highlights. Honestly can't remember the last time I sat and actually watched an entire event from start to finish that wasn't Wrestlemania.

Stickman 07-05-2018 11:31 AM

PVR raw and smackdown so I can fast forward to something that might be interesting, so 1 hour there. Then on the network if there is a Table For 3 or a special that looks interesting. So total probably 2-3 hour a week (excluding ppvs).

SlickyTrickyDamon 07-05-2018 11:46 AM

Most of my wrestling comes in podcast form now.

Cornette, Bischoff, Prichard, Tony, Breaking Kayfabe with Bowdren and Barry, THe 605 Superpodcast when it drops.

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