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Blonde Moment 09-10-2022 06:56 AM

The Little Mermaid (2023)
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Well this won't cause any drama

Frank Drebin 09-10-2022 08:16 AM

I wonder if the priest gets a boner in this version as well

Destor 09-10-2022 08:26 AM

Maybe itll review better than Pinocchio

Kalyx triaD 09-10-2022 09:39 AM

They wanted the rage bait.

XL 09-10-2022 11:32 AM

What’s the issue? That’s it’s being remade or they cast a non-white Ariel? Wasn’t she announced months ago?

slik 09-10-2022 12:35 PM

Looks good

Frank Drebin 09-10-2022 01:49 PM

Golden penis on the poster?

M-A-G 09-10-2022 01:54 PM

This post is sponsored by Julie McCoy, Your Cruise Director

Originally Posted by Frank Drebin (Post 5577338)
Golden penis on the poster?

Kids these days will never know such joy. :nono:

rez 09-12-2022 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by XL (Post 5577329)
What’s the issue? That’s it’s being remade or they cast a non-white Ariel? Wasn’t she announced months ago?

Don't you know all mermaids are Caucasian. jfc.

Sepholio 09-12-2022 06:48 PM

They should just add a white mermaid in who constantly complains to the King about everything and everyone. Maybe that would placate the mayosapiens.

M-A-G 09-12-2022 07:41 PM

This post is sponsored by Sweating to the Oldies
It's all about authenticity! Don't you remember how accurate the original movie was to the Hans Christian Andersen story? I mean, come on.

slik 09-12-2022 09:37 PM

I remember all the outrage about a talking and singing Jamaican Lobster instead of a traditional talking and singing Danish lobster.

Kalyx triaD 09-12-2022 09:49 PM

There was no such nonsense.

drave 09-13-2022 07:49 AM


Kalyx triaD 09-13-2022 12:39 PM

I'm not the target demo, and I'm not necessarily the nostalgia bait target demo. Little Mermaid was kinda one and done with me back then, Under da Sea was a banger tho.

I just feel stunt casting really isn't worth whatever agenda value they think they're getting out of it. Casting news gets backlash from older fans, backlash gets backlash from other fans. Things go quiet. Then comes the trailer, rinse and repeat the backlash cycle. These people are sexist/racist, no no they are sexist/racist. Production defends decisions, calls people bigots. Reactionaries make click bait youtube vids. An actress will close their social media, rinse repeat.

Then the movie drops and it's not even good because modern fantasy writing in general is horrid. Blame the reactionaries, and reactionaries blame production. Rinse repeat. It's all kinda tired. And very avoidable. But I imagine the situation will solve itself in a while, but not for Disney who can whether the storm.

Kalyx triaD 09-13-2022 12:42 PM

Mulan had no stunt casting and it was still a mess so there's a bit more going on here.

M-A-G 09-13-2022 12:52 PM

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My oldest sister has the original movie as part of her Holy Trinity of favorite movies. The simple fact that this is a remake is enough to upset her, all other factors not taken into consideration.

Kalyx triaD 09-13-2022 01:10 PM

Yeah a live action remake of their entire 90s streak has not yielded a single success.

XL 09-13-2022 03:12 PM

Is this a straight to Disney+ deal like Mulan and Pinocchio have been?

Damian Rey 2.0 09-13-2022 04:37 PM

It’ll prob n be a soulless , mediocre remake at best.

Destor 09-13-2022 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 5577697)
Yeah a live action remake of their entire 90s streak has not yielded a single success.

Beauty and the Beast was both a success commercially and critically

But it is worth noting that this thread is populated by people talking about an outrage that isnt present. Thats the marketing ploy at work. No one cares. They just wont watch. 98% of people talking about "mayonnaise" outrage wont watch. Negative advertising is deliberate but ineffective.

rez 09-13-2022 07:45 PM

I liked Aladdin & The Jungle Book live action movies....

Lock Jaw 09-13-2022 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 5577697)
Yeah a live action remake of their entire 90s streak has not yielded a single success.

The Lion King remake is sitting in the top ten highest grossing movies of all time (without being adjusted for inflation) and is set to receive a prequel movie.

Destor 09-13-2022 07:59 PM

I take issue calling the lion king live action.

Kalyx triaD 09-14-2022 02:37 AM

Actually yeah Jungle Book was great.

Disney productions are a special class where of course they will make money, if we're talking them being the quality level of what they're trying to recreate ermmmmm.

Big Vic 04-06-2023 03:08 PM

‘The Little Mermaid’ Remake Updated Song Lyrics So Prince Eric Doesn’t ‘Force Himself’ on Ariel

Kalyx triaD 04-06-2023 07:48 PM


M-A-G 04-06-2023 08:23 PM

This post is sponsored by the Road Warriors' shoulder pads
These people GET PAID for this shit. :lol:

Lock Jaw 04-06-2023 08:23 PM

I don't remember the original song/lyrics/moment, but I'm sure people are making a bigger "outrage" over the change than it actually is.

Savio 04-06-2023 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 5609311)

Also in the article:


“We have some revisions in ‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’ regarding lines that might make young girls somehow feel that they shouldn’t speak out of turn, even though Ursula is clearly manipulating Ariel to give up her voice.”

Kalyx triaD 04-07-2023 12:31 AM

Disney movies being made by people who dislike Disney movies.

Rammsteinmad 04-07-2023 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Damian Rey 2.0 (Post 5577716)
It’ll prob n be a soulless , mediocre remake at best.

This is probably the biggest issue. All their live action remakes are like this, bar maybe the first one or two that they did as they were "new" and "different" at the time.

Dunno why they can't focus their energies on new films altogether. Enchanted and Disenchanted were both enjoyable enough.

Savio 04-07-2023 01:46 PM

I thought you meant the Dalmatians movie at first.

Kalyx triaD 04-07-2023 02:19 PM

There's Caribbean versions of mermaid mythology that Disney could have used as a base for a Little Mermaid reboot that would be justifiably distinct, checks all the boxes they're hellbent on checking now, Sébastien's two iconic tracks would be still fit tonally, and the reactionaries wouldn't have a leg to stand on because nothings being 'butchered' in big yellow thumbnail font.

And I might be bias but those mermaid fairy tales are much cooler. It's sort of like race changes in superhero media when there's a ton of minority superheroes ready to kick ass. It's like they rather bait reactionaries for industry clout.

Rammsteinmad 04-08-2023 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Savio (Post 5609400)
I thought you meant the Dalmatians movie at first.

Haha, I actually forgot they even existed!

I'm referring to the string of new-ish ones... The Lion King, The Jungle Book, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Dumbo, Aladdin etc (admittedly, I liked Aladdin).

M-A-G 05-25-2023 03:15 AM

This post is sponsored by the Heavenly Bodies
Against all odds, this thing is managing to stay afloat, no pun intended, with the reviews and scores. It was at 71% on Rotten Tomatoes with critics last I checked; over 80% with the commoners. Maybe Disney finally lucked out and found a formula.

Destor 05-25-2023 07:16 AM

Its audience score is <50 verified people. Bit too early to use that number. Maybe it holds maybe it doesnt but its a bad metric regardless.

Ruien 05-25-2023 07:58 AM

I don't think there is a large % of people upset at her casting. Seems like the loud minority.

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