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Maluco 03-21-2016 12:18 PM

Jericho and AJ plus Owens and Zayn is not on the card yet from what I can see. Unless something has changed? They needed those two matches to guarantee a few quality matches on the undercard. But they are not there on the card I just commented on. More important than that though, in terms of the card (not the event quality), they need those matches for a few feuds with depth and a story. Something the majority of the card has none of.

I actually think this is a year they could have done with Undertaker in there against a 'real' opponent. Not thrilled at the prospect of seeing Shane, a decade older, acting the wrestler. It doesn't appeal to me.

Reigns and HHH will be good but this is supposed to be Wrestlemania, the main event, the biggest match of the year!

As for Lesnar/Ambrose, it will almost certainly be great but I feel like they haven't done enough to focus on the feud and make it heated. It was a mistake for each to be looking at Bray and HHH so close to the event if they wanted us to care about this match.

I just don't see where the pull is, in terms of heated feuds culminating on the biggest stage, or even marquee matches...anywhere on the card.

There will be some great matches, there could be some shocking moments and am sure the night will be enjoyable enough, but it is a shocking card for a Wrestlemania

Nicky Fives 03-21-2016 12:33 PM

Owens/Zayn & Jericho/Styles are off that card and the two I look most forwards to.... Owens/Zayn could easily be the Steamboat/Savage of this generation.....

slik 03-21-2016 12:35 PM

lol @ Rusev

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Rammsteinmad 03-21-2016 01:37 PM

That looks absolutely awful. Why do WWE even bother with these shitty movies? Surely that's not gonna make a profit for them?

(Also, Ziggler had a clear shot throughout most of that. Idiot...)

#1-norm-fan 03-21-2016 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Maluco (Post 4786044)
I understand it's not "cool" to be down about certain aspects of wrestling. The cool kids these days are being "constructive" and "realistic". It's hard writing interesting TV these days etc....

But I am going out on a limb and saying that this is the WORST Wrestlemania CARD of all time. It could end up being great, but the card is poorly put together, has no mega matches or storied rivalries.

Roadblock, a house show special on the network, was basically the same level card wise.

Shane vs Taker is literally the only match that brings a "WrestleMania feel" with it. In that it's the only match that saves the card from looking like it could happen any other time of the year. Sucks. Can't remember ever caring this little about a WrestleMania and it's supposed to be "the biggest one ever".

Emperor Smeat 03-21-2016 08:18 PM

Last year's and either Mania 27 or 28's build was pretty bad as well although this year does feel like they aren't even trying. Injuries have played a big role but doesn't excuse how half-assed the card feels with what they have left.

GD 03-21-2016 11:28 PM

Hulk Hogan's lawsuit being mentioned on The Edge and Christian Show.

Fox 03-22-2016 12:28 AM

Damn. This has got to be the worst WrestleMania card of the modern era, say, since WrestleMania 8. And yes, it absolutely has to do with the injuries. The WWE has been dealt a very shitty hand this March season. Imagine what the card would look like if they had John Cena, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, Sting, Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan healthy for this event. Or if they had managed to get The Rock or Ronda Rousey to get into the ring? They really did get a bad deal for Mania this year.

But that's not the whole problem. They have also decided to play the hand they were dealt in a really disappointing fashion. The main event is the worst of it. The last main event I remember where the fans were so ambivalent toward both parties was WrestleMania 22. Some people think that night made John Cena. Perhaps that's what they're trying to accomplish again. I'm personally of the belief that Roman Reigns doesn't have half of what John Cena has in him. Reigns has not had his "Doctor of Thuganomics" phase where he more or less got over on his own. He will absolutely need that if he's ever to reach the heights of Cena, Austin, Rock, Hogan, Macho, or any of the other "faces" of the WWE. And it's going to have to be one hell of a performance if they plan on pulling off the "big push" at Mania. I mean Oscar caliber performance from both guys.

The Shane/Undertaker feud has really boiled down into shit. Everyone was excited when Shane came back. But he's really made a mess of the whole thing by his constant screw ups on the microphone and by those embarrassingly weak punches he threw at Taker on RAW. The corporate world has clearly taken from Shane some of that spark he had in him during the Attitude Era. The stakes are "high" from a storyline standpoint, but I think we all know that there's no chance Shane wins and ends Undertaker's WrestleMania career. It will likely be a really good match and Shane will probably damn near kill himself to make sore of that, but the best way I can put it is that everything feels wrong about this match. It's completely out of its time and incredibly contrived.

Don't get me started on the Intercontinental Title situation... you have an incredible heel wrestler, who is also very over with the fans, as your champion, and you could choose one of SEVERAL face wrestlers for him to go against, and give us a guaranteed, solid, in-ring 20-25 minute classic. The glaringly obvious choice is Sami Zayn, and we already know that match will deliver. AJ Styles would also make a perfectly acceptable opponent. Instead, they are going with another clusterfuck 7-man Ladder match, which we have already seen a thousand times before. I get that, in theory, it is more "difficult" and therefore more "prestigious" to defeat 6 other men in a ladder match than to defeat one other man in singles competition, but when you have a card that is already struggling to deliver, why would you put so many of your most talented young stars into a match where only one of them is really going to get over in the end? And to make it even worse, they actually DO give a singles match to the trashy United States Championship in a match between Kalisto and Ryback, two guys who really are not capable of putting on a "classic" WrestleMania contest. Why not make Kalisto's US title up for grabs in a Ladder match and let Owens defend the IC Title in a singles contest? It is impossible for me to believe that no one suggested this very idea.

New Day against the League of Nations makes absolutely no sense. Turning New Day face is a bad idea.

The only bright spots that I can see are Ambrose versus Lesnar and the Diva's Championship triple threat, but back in the days, these matches alone would not really persuade a $60 purchase out of me. Ambrose is awesome, don't get me wrong, but this is kind of a waste of Lesnar. He should really be doing something "bigger." What that would be I'm not too sure, but it would probably involve the WWE Championship in some form or another.

Juan 03-22-2016 03:21 AM

Haven't the last 4 Mania's or so been called the "worst ever?"

Juan 03-22-2016 03:23 AM

I'm gonna be really disappointed if this year isn't the worst Mania ever

Anybody Thrilla 03-22-2016 03:51 AM

I'm not so sure the Young Bucks have any idea how to sell. They pull off some cool-looking moves, but they're a pretty weak package overall.

Juan 03-22-2016 04:34 AM

I don't think I've ever seen one of their matches

DAMN iNATOR 03-22-2016 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Juan (Post 4786646)
Haven't the last 4 Mania's or so been called the "worst ever?"

I actually thought XXX was pretty top-notch. Sure, some people wanna hate Brock for ending 'Taker's streak, but ya know what? Shit happens. Deal with it. I have.

DAMN iNATOR 03-22-2016 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by Juan (Post 4786647)
I'm gonna be really disappointed if this year isn't the worst Mania ever

Damn right. Better be worse than WM IX or IMMA BE PISSED!

Dark One 03-22-2016 10:07 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you God,I am grateful,&quot;I AM THAT I AM&quot;. Only love HH <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) <a href="">March 22, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Black Widow 03-22-2016 12:06 PM

Lock Jaw 03-22-2016 12:08 PM

Former WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres to play the sometimes villain, sometimes hero "Maxima" on upcoming episode of Supergirl...

Sepholio 03-22-2016 12:17 PM

Boy howdy Rasslemanier is lookin to be the tits.

Innovator 03-22-2016 01:27 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We are going to cut Tanhashi's hair off, set Elgin's beard on fire &amp; then give Yoshitatsu a Styles Clash. <a href="">#theELITE</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; The Young Bucks (@MattJackson13) <a href="">March 22, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Lock Jaw 03-22-2016 01:31 PM

First Wrestlemania without John Cena and Randy Orton since Wrestlemania XX....

Innovator 03-22-2016 01:32 PM

You mean 19

Innovator 03-22-2016 01:33 PM

Because XX was thug rapper Cena and Legend Killer in all his glory Randy Orton

Lock Jaw 03-22-2016 01:36 PM

Yeah.... worded it wrong.... I meant since WMXX they have not missed a Mania....

Rammsteinmad 03-22-2016 01:47 PM

Shit totally forgot about Randy Orton!

Evil Vito 03-22-2016 01:51 PM

Figures Cena and Orton would finally miss a Mania and they'd still manage to churn out a Mania that looks so bad that I'm not going to be watching live for the first time since I started watching wrestling (first Mania for me was WM15).

Lock Jaw 03-22-2016 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Vito Cruz (Post 4786820)
Figures Cena and Orton would finally miss a Mania and they'd still manage to churn out a Mania that looks so bad that I'm not going to be watching live for the first time since I started watching wrestling (first Mania for me was WM15).

What is this statement supposed to mean...... that without Cena and Orton the show should have been a better one?

Emperor Smeat 03-22-2016 02:10 PM

Yeup. WWE would have been forced to have done a lot better job at building new top stars like in the past whenever the old top stars no longer could bail them out of a mess.

They don't have Cena (and Orton) as the usual fallback panic options but at the same time doesn't seem like they care about fixing the serious issues that's plagued them for years.

Anybody Thrilla 03-22-2016 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Shadrick (Post 4785906)
As the resident black representative of TPWW, I'd like to speak for all of my people when I say "Nah, yall can have that. have fun."


Evil Vito 03-22-2016 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 4786824)
What is this statement supposed to mean...... that without Cena and Orton the show should have been a better one?

Pretty much what Smeat said. Maybe not necessarily a better show but one that would require a little bit of effort on the part of creative to build new people. Instead they put the title on a semi-retired guy and brought back Shane McMahon.

Black Widow 03-22-2016 03:21 PM

Emperor Smeat 03-22-2016 04:08 PM

Tom Guycott 03-22-2016 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Shadrick (Post 4785906)
As the resident black representative of TPWW, I'd like to speak for all of my people when I say "Nah, yall can have that. have fun."


... well, in this case, you *do*, because fuck that nonsense, but just saying you're not the sum total.

Ol Dirty Dastard 03-22-2016 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 4786824)
What is this statement supposed to mean...... that without Cena and Orton the show should have been a better one?

Not reading any further, I assume he meant it should have had a fresher feel instead of wm lite

Shadrick 03-22-2016 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Guycott (Post 4786907)

... well, in this case, you *do*, because fuck that nonsense, but just saying you're not the sum total.

I read that as "It's mah hawt body, i do wha i want, what evaaa"

And I know. It was a joke :)

Shadrick 03-22-2016 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Black Widow (Post 4786885)

is this sasha??

drave 03-22-2016 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Smelly Meatball (Post 4786906)

They had quite a good match on RAW. Only thing I watched.

Emperor Smeat 03-22-2016 09:24 PM

Dirtsheets sponsored by Random Rowan gif:


Monday's episode of WWE RAW, featuring Dean Ambrose vs. Braun Strowman in the main event, drew 3.399 million viewers. This is down from last week's 3.457 million viewers for a show loaded with many top WrestleMania 32 stars.

For this week's show, the first hour drew 3.466 million viewers, the second hour drew 3.416 million viewers and the final hour drew 3.317 million viewers.

For last week's show, the first hour drew 3.471 million viewers, the second hour drew 3.392 million viewers and the final hour drew 3.510 million viewers, breaking the usual third hour drop.
For some comparison on how bad's its gotten, WWE has lost almost a million viewers since Shane's return for this year's Road to Mania.


Originally Posted by Observer
WWE informed Sky Italy, which will carry WrestleMania on PPV, that the show will go five to 20 minutes past the hour so it will be longer than the usual four hour main show.


Originally Posted by Observer
There was what looked to be an injury after Raw went off the air in a dark match with The Wyatt Family vs. Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose & Dolph Ziggler & Sami Zayn.

Multiple reports have come in that Harper took a spill onto the floor and grabbed his right leg. Those at ringside believed he blew out his knee but as of this moment we don't have anything official past the point the WWE medical staff came out immediately. He left under his own power but was helped to the back by the other members of the Wyatt Family.


A WWE fan was escorted out of the arena after striking Braun Strowman in the face during the dark main event after last night's WWE RAW in Philadelphia. As noted, that match saw The Wyatt Family take on Sami Zayn, Dolph Ziggler and Roman Reigns, the same match where Luke Harper suffered an apparent knee injury.

The fan was reportedly quickly pulled from his seat by WWE security and taken away.

After several fan incidents in 2015, WWE stated that they could look at pressing charges for all future incidents.

Originally Posted by 411Mania
WWE announced today that Vader will induct Stan Hansen into the WWE Hall of Fame. WWE has an article up on their history together, which you can read WWE at this link. The induction ceremony takes place on April 2nd, and the rest of the class features Sting, The Godfather, The Big Bossman, Jacqueline, and The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy, Buddy Roberts and Jimmy Garvin)…


Roode's contract expired around 11-12 days ago. He and TNA had a verbal agreement for a new contract for less money (because TNA has no money) but at the tapings this week he changed his mind and gave his notice.

Young was under contract, but thought he wasn't getting enough money. TNA agreed that if he dropped the TV title, they would release him from his contract.

Meltzer talks about late payments and says he's heard stories about at least one wrestler who had to wait months to be payed a relatively small amount of money. Says this played into Roode and Young's growing frustration with the company.

Morale was said to be really low at the tapings, with the general feeling being that TNA is going nowhere.
Update on TNA's recent departures. Observer hinted the WWE is currently interested in both guys.


WWE's website just spoke with 2016 WWE Hall of Famer Sting about the induction and his in-ring future. The full interview can be found at this link. Sting revealed that he did not have surgery after suffering the neck injury in the WWE Night of Champions match with Seth Rollins last year. Sting saw two neurologists, one in Houston and WWE's Dr. Joseph Maroon, and both said the same thing - Sting wasn't having any of the side effects he should have had. Sting said he's feeling good and completely normal. Below are highlights from the interview:

It had been reported that you were diagnosed with spinal stenosis. Is that diagnosis now inaccurate?

"I am not saying that is inaccurate. I'm agreeing there probably is spinal stenosis or cervical spinal stenosis. I have had certain doctors tell me, 'You know, so many athletes of all ages, they've got this. They deal with it to some degree or another.' I had one doctor here tell me, 'You're fine, you're okay — you don't have anything to worry about.' And then wrestlers say, 'I'd see this doctor.' 'No, I'd see this one over there.' I'm telling you, it's just craziness. So I'm thinking, as long as I'm feeling good, why am I going to do anything? And the one thing everyone has said is don't go under the knife unless you absolutely have to."

Had you not had this injury setback last September, do you think we would have you seen performing at WrestleMania this year? Or, is that just too tough a question to answer because of all the variables?

"Oh no, it's an easy one to answer: Yes. If I had my way, yes, of course. I would have loved to have done one more WrestleMania and I would have called it quits at that point. The Undertaker match — that's what I wanted to do. "

Had there been any early discussions prior to the injury of what your role could be at WrestleMania 32? Or, was it just something that you had in your mind?

"Yes, it was in my mind, of course, but everyone knew that I definitely wanted to have that one match. And, of course, WrestleMania would have been the place to do it. But, I got hurt and the rest is history."

As noted, "Daniel Bryan Appreciation Night" has been postponed after being announced for Friday's WWE live event at Madison Square Garden. WWE and MSG cited a scheduling conflict.

It should be noted that Bryan is no longer advertised for this weekend's WWE live event in Trenton, NJ and the post-WrestleMania 32 tour of the UK. It appears WWE has canceled all upcoming "Daniel Bryan Appreciation Night" festivities at live events.
WWE later revealed Bryan asked for some time off from touring and was granted it.


Originally Posted by Observer
Ryback worked as a babyface against Erick Rowan on all the weekend house shows.

He's swapped around a few times with the face/heel role for house shows ever since his recent tv heel turn. Seems like the WWE still isn't fully committed on his current turn yet.


Originally Posted by Observer
While he still has matches left in NXT (the match with Shinsuke Nakamura on 4/1 is scheduled as his last one), this was Sami Zayn's last weekend doing NXT tours.

Some other sheet news includes:
  • In a "WWE Did You Know" type fact, WWE's first ever tweet involved hyping up a match between Mark Henry and Colin Delaney.
  • In another "WWE Did You Know" type fact, Jack Swagger's first ever tweet involved butts.
  • Recent episode of Talk is Jericho podcast had Jerry Lawler as a guest.
  • According to reports and speculation, Gawker is currently expected to win the appeal trial in the Hogan-Gawker case if they can manage to cover the money needed to appeal by Florida law.
  • Observer currently teasing a big surprise is planned for the New Day vs League of Nations match at Mania.
    SPOILER: show
    The Rock is currently rumored to be involved in the match for New Day's side

Innovator 03-22-2016 09:26 PM

EVIL EMMA on Main Event

VSG 03-22-2016 10:24 PM


Black Widow 03-22-2016 11:37 PM

The Rock wants to waste a WM appearance on New Day?


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