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Lock Jaw 09-06-2017 12:20 AM

Of Episode 9.

SlickyTrickyDamon 09-06-2017 01:02 AM

So, probably means JJ comes back to finish it off.

Kalyx triaD 09-06-2017 01:11 AM

I think they're just gonna let Rian finish the trilogy. It would be a safe bet.

Damian Rey 2.0 09-06-2017 02:55 AM

Was the current guy supposed to finish the trilogy?

Kalyx triaD 09-06-2017 03:31 AM

No it was three different directors.

SlickyTrickyDamon 09-12-2017 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by SlickyTrickyDamon (Post 5011943)
So, probably means JJ comes back to finish it off.

Winner Winner Robot Chicken Dinner.

Kalyx triaD 09-12-2017 06:35 PM

Fucking fuck fuck

Lock Jaw 09-12-2017 06:47 PM

What if he just makes a copy of Return of the Jedi

Kalyx triaD 09-13-2017 03:25 PM

I doubt he'll make that kind of mistake twice. What I'm worried about is The Last Jedi will likely balance out Rey's character only for her to go right back in the hands of the guy who made her completely unrelatable in the first place.

Destor 09-13-2017 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 5014811)
I doubt he'll make that kind of mistake twice. What I'm worried about is The Last Jedi will likely balance out Rey's character only for her to go right back in the hands of the guy who made her completely unrelatable in the first place.

The structure of 7 was far from a mistake. It played well and was recieved positively. It was onyl in retrospect that people shit on it in a massive god fall.

Fignuts 09-13-2017 04:13 PM

Honestly the whole mary sue thing was a minor quibble in an otherwise enjoyable experience.

Plus we know very little about Rey. Could be an explanation for her ability to use the force. Possibly related to her parentage.

Big Vic 09-13-2017 04:36 PM

I didn't like 7 too much, was only OK.... Rogue One was better.

Emperor Smeat 09-13-2017 05:48 PM

Disney swapped around the release dates for Episode IX and new live-action Aladdin movie. Official reason related to the recent director change for Episode IX.

Original plans were for Episode IX to be released on May 2019 and Aladdin on December 2019. Now its Episode IX set for December 2019 and Aladdin for May 2019.

Lock Jaw 09-13-2017 05:57 PM

Good.... good.... December is Star Wars time now.......

SlickyTrickyDamon 09-13-2017 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5014850)
Good.... good.... December is Star Wars time now.......

It always has been....


<img style="-webkit-user-select: none;background-██████████ 0px 0px, 10px 10px;background-size: 20px 20px;background-image:linear-gradient(45deg, #eee 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, #eee 75%, #eee 100%),linear-gradient(45deg, #eee 25%, white 25%, white 75%, #eee 75%, #eee 100%);" src="">

Lock Jaw 11-09-2017 07:45 PM

Disney has announced a new Star Wars Trilogy being done by Rian Johnson, and a live action Star Wars series for their new streaming service

Kalyx triaD 11-09-2017 07:48 PM

KotOR pls.

Destor 11-09-2017 07:50 PM

New game plz

Lock Jaw 11-09-2017 07:51 PM

Jar Jar Binks-centric trilogy please

Kalyx triaD 11-09-2017 08:09 PM

A new novel actually covers Jar Jar's post prequel series state.

He's basically a street entertainer for kids. Banished by his people for his role in granting emergency powers to Palpatine.

Kalyx triaD 11-09-2017 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5040122)
New game plz

Made by who? Bioware looks to die whether Anthem is successful or not and Obsidian seems to have better things to do now that they're free.

It's a miracle Kotor online still breathes, tbh.

Destor 11-09-2017 09:05 PM

By yr mum let me dream

Kalyx triaD 12-02-2017 05:11 AM

A rather curious behind the scenes promo details the lightsaber choreography Daisy and Adam have done. They seem to be rehearsing fights against multiple opponents. They were not together for these rehearsals nor does this mean it's a fight from the film (though these don't look like general weapon training, the moves looked specific).

Fignuts 12-02-2017 05:22 AM

It's come out that the Visceral game was cancelled because EA couldn't find a way to effectively monetize it post launch.

So...yeah. More shit to throw at EA. Make sure you light it on fire this time.

Kalyx triaD 12-02-2017 05:57 AM

Well... I'm not 100% against a Star Wars-Destiny type game but that would depend on who is gonna make it.

Lock Jaw 11-08-2018 10:35 PM

A "Cassian Andor" prequel series coming to the new "Disney+" streaming service in addition to Favreau's "The Mandalorian" series.

Kalyx triaD 11-09-2018 12:34 AM

You'd think the chick would get her own show.

Lock Jaw 11-09-2018 01:10 AM

Nah, Cassian makes much more sense.

McLegend 11-09-2018 02:27 PM

I like Rogue one, and I like that guy. However I’m not interested in a show about him.

Could be wrong, but I think this is a bad idea.

Ezra 11-09-2018 03:17 PM

Cassian will be good to follow. Definitely interested in a guy with shades of gray in his character.

Kalyx triaD 11-09-2018 03:28 PM

Erso was an admitted terrorist who didn't even care much for the Rebellion how would she not be a better choice?

Ezra 11-09-2018 09:01 PM

God please have a live cast of rebels make cameos. I want my tano especially.

Lock Jaw 11-10-2018 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 5194532)
Erso was an admitted terrorist who didn't even care much for the Rebellion how would she not be a better choice?

Feel like her story was "told" and "done" and mainly about her family, while Cassian has a lot more blanks to mine in his background as a "spy" and doing "dirty things for a noble cause".

Lock Jaw 11-10-2018 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ezra (Post 5194613)
God please have a live cast of rebels make cameos. I want my tano especially.

Hera Syndulla regularly appears in the Star Wars comics as a key member of the Rebellion, so she could have the best chances

Ezra 11-10-2018 07:13 PM

See this is why Lock Jaw is so great. All those extended poops gives him time to just come in and tell the nay sayers how it is.

Lock Jaw 11-10-2018 08:49 PM

I want to watch Rebels, but it isn't on Netflix here.... (not that I ever finished Clone Wars which IS still on Netflix)

Been watching the new "Star Wars: Rebellion" show because I was all "Ok I missed out on Rebels and I hear it was great, so I'm going to watch this one from the start".......... but it hasn't been very good.

SlickyTrickyDamon 11-10-2018 10:53 PM

Never liked any of the cartoons. The soundalikes take me out of it.

Ezra 11-11-2018 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5194857)
I want to watch Rebels, but it isn't on Netflix here.... (not that I ever finished Clone Wars which IS still on Netflix)

Been watching the new "Star Wars: Rebellion" show because I was all "Ok I missed out on Rebels and I hear it was great, so I'm going to watch this one from the start".......... but it hasn't been very good.

I haven't seem Rebellion yet but Rebels is freaking amazing.

RP 02-26-2019 07:45 PM

The Last Jedi is great and you fucking nerds have ruined it. Nerds are ruining every good movie and i'm tired or it. Go fucking die Nerds.

Fignuts 02-26-2019 07:50 PM

I’m not very critical when it comes to action movies. It’s not that hard to impress me to be honest.

And even I didn’t like it.

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