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Kalyx triaD 07-05-2009 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Ryan Renolds
Break the fourth wall? Oh yeah, he's got to. I want to see him break the Great Wall...

Kalyx triaD 07-07-2009 02:47 AM

"Look at you. You're a little bitch.":

How do you continue the Blade franchise without the Day Walker himself?

Step 1: Craft a prequel trilogy.
Step 2: Make the first (and coolest) villain the star (Deacon Frost is back, baby!)
Step 3: Have the first director and co-star return (Norrington and Droff back, baby!)
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit.

More news as it comes, but I like the idea of a Deacon Frost story. He's one of my fave villains.

Kalyx triaD 07-07-2009 03:01 AM

Does anybody really want to read these stories in two separate threads?

The Destroyer 07-07-2009 06:43 AM

Yes. I like my DC and Marvel kept apart.

Fignuts 07-07-2009 06:52 AM


I want nothing resembling Marvel/DC amalgam, ever again.

Kalyx triaD 07-07-2009 06:52 AM

You guys are weird.

Funky Fly 07-07-2009 05:44 PM

It's being kept apart, damnit. The threads are both massive as it is.

Kalyx triaD 07-14-2009 09:08 AM


Natalie Portman will play Jane Foster, the human nurse from the early Thor comics who becomes Thor's first love.

Kalyx triaD 07-17-2009 06:09 AM

Blitz 07-17-2009 11:26 AM

Dunno if I can handle seeing Scarlett in a leather jumpsuit. Could be tricky.

Kalyx triaD 07-17-2009 04:48 PM

I'm already over it.

Kalyx triaD 07-19-2009 06:39 PM

Iron Man 2 has finished filming. Let post-prod begin.

Kalyx triaD 08-11-2009 07:07 AM

Hugh Jackman says they're fleshing out the Japan story for Wolverine's sequel right about now, and the production will start sooner rather than later. I'm happy to hear this, as I've enjoyed the first one.

Here's hoping for Silver Samurai, Sunfire, and a proper Psylocke. Why not? I mean continuity isn't their highest priority, might as well give us escort level fan service.


Seen Iron Man 2's footage from CC. War Machine lives, people. Looks like he's shooting everything that moves.

Funky Fly 08-11-2009 10:43 PM


Fignuts 08-11-2009 11:08 PM

I came.

Fignuts 08-11-2009 11:09 PM

Also, it's quite possible that Mickey Rourke could make whiplash, not lame. A seemingly impossible feat.

Fignuts 08-11-2009 11:09 PM

He still kinda looked like he was playing jump rope in that one scene, so we'll see.

Kalyx triaD 08-11-2009 11:22 PM

Badass thunder jump rope, buddy!

Kalyx triaD 08-12-2009 03:58 PM


Tim Roth revealed that his has signed to play the Abomination in three films, leading to some speculation that the Abomination could appear in The Avengers film, or in some of the potentially interlocking films leading up to it.

Indifferent Clox 08-14-2009 03:16 AM

did you guys already report george clooney as cap america?

Kalyx triaD 08-14-2009 11:43 AM

No. Because it's not true.

Sovereigntywillpr 08-15-2009 01:50 PM

wasn't Cap froze affter world war II and brought back for the cold war...they could do the same thing for the "war on terror"

Kalyx triaD 08-15-2009 02:00 PM

Didn't you die or something?

Kalyx triaD 08-20-2009 12:54 PM

Wolverine 2:

Liev Schreiber says he's open to returning as Sabretooth in this sequel, and he'd love to see how his version of the character became the more animalistic rendition Tyler Mane gave us in X-Men. [MTV]

Iron Man 2:

Scarlett Johansson hints her character, the Black Widow, could be back in the Avengers movie — and could possibly have her own spin-off film as well, if the fans take to her skintight catsuit. Supposedly ScarJo is signed for several movies.

Jon Kano 08-20-2009 01:14 PM

I would like to see Sabretooth return, but maybe not as a total heel, I mean he really is no match for Wolverine. He fuckin destroyed him in their last proper fight.

ScarJo as a leading role in an action movie? - no thanks. Spend the money on something decent.

Jeritron 08-20-2009 05:01 PM

What's this I hear about Spiderman 4 not actually being official. It's been "confirmed" but I heard from a friend that it came out that Sam Raimi and Tobey McGuire are only attached, and haven't signed on the dotted line yet until they see the script.

I also heard that Sony is deadset on making another Spiderman, and if the deal with them falls through they are going to reboot. Yes, start the Spiderman franchise over from scratch only 7 years after the first one was released (and 2 years since the last one).

Kalyx triaD 08-20-2009 05:07 PM

It's official, tell your friend to fuck off. Raimi, Tobey, Dunst, and JK are all in for 4. They just hired a writer to commission the 5th and 6th entries. If the legacy cast are not interested in 5 and 6 they'll use those scripts as a platform for a reboot (being that 5 and 6 will be connected stories).

Sony got things on lock as far as Spidey goes. He won't be joining the live action Marvel-verse for some time.

Kalyx triaD 08-20-2009 05:08 PM

Fucking hate misinformation. Info is not 3 minutes of searching away.

Jeritron 08-20-2009 05:12 PM

I'm not going to tell him to fuck off because I don't consider myself the Gustapo of comic book movie news

Jeritron 08-20-2009 05:14 PM

Why does misinformation bother you in the world of comic book movies but not world news, nutritional information, or things of substance?

Have you ever eaten a beef taco at Taco Bell? You have probably eaten ground meal worms. Does that bother you more than some kid telling me Spiderman 4 might not be a go?

Lock Jaw 08-20-2009 05:18 PM


Jeritron 08-20-2009 05:20 PM

By the way, Taco Bell likely doesn't put mealworms in their food. I was joking. That's also just a rumor, but in general we deal with serious misinformation everyday. I threw out the news I heard about Spiderman to hear some feeback on it. That's why I prefaced it with "What's this I hear?" I don't have the desire to find the scoops like you do. This thread is the extent of my Spiderman research

Kalyx triaD 08-20-2009 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jeritron (Post 2685628)
Why does misinformation bother you in the world of comic book movies but not world news, nutritional information, or things of substance?

Have you ever eaten a beef taco at Taco Bell? You have probably eaten ground meal worms. Does that bother you more than some kid telling me Spiderman 4 might not be a go?

Are you seriously assuming my beef with misinformation is exclusive to comic movies? Support this now.

Also, your Taco Bell scenario makes no sense in this context. Partially because I don't give a damn about meal worms, Chalupas are damn good. And mostly because IT'S TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

Kalyx triaD 08-20-2009 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jeritron (Post 2685633)
By the way, Taco Bell likely doesn't put mealworms in their food. I was joking. That's also just a rumor, but in general we deal with serious misinformation everyday. I threw out the news I heard about Spiderman to hear some feeback on it. That's why I prefaced it with "What's this I hear?" I don't have the desire to find the scoops like you do. This thread is the extent of my Spiderman research

Dude, I was ragging on you. Chill out. I was just commenting on general misinformation. I hear a lot of dumb shit in regard to simple things. You were only telling me about another dude, so there ya go. It's a nagging build up of a number of instances, don't take it personally.

FUCK sake, people.

Kalyx triaD 08-20-2009 05:27 PM

Like this guy I know is telling me a whole bunch of made up shit about the Voltron movie. And I'm like, "Dude, none of this is true... Where did you hear this shit?"

"This guy I know."

That's it. It's always some "guy they know". No way for to vet out the source, no way for me to get inside the head of his 'buddy'. Multiply this by a few years with different people, with me saying over and over where to get more accurate information, and you have Post #628.


Jeritron 08-20-2009 05:28 PM

You could have simply enlightened me about the Spidey rumors, since its apparently your passion in life.
There's no need to brood around this forum snipping at people about false news, or defending anything and everything fanboy with vicious dedication. It's tiring. Not everyone takes this so seriously.

Kalyx triaD 08-20-2009 05:28 PM

I really am sorry.

Kalyx triaD 08-20-2009 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jeritron (Post 2685644)
You could have simply enlightened me about the Spidey rumors, since its apparently your passion in life.
There's no need to brood around this forum snipping at people about false news, or defending anything and everything fanboy with vicious dedication. It's tiring. Not everyone takes this so seriously.

My passion is my work, nothing more. I'm just on point about shit.

Kalyx triaD 08-20-2009 05:29 PM

Don't get it twisted.

Jeritron 08-20-2009 05:30 PM

I will delete this entire forum

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