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slik 12-20-2022 01:19 AM

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths ends after the multi-year build


Nightwing saves the day, it all comes down to Dick Grayson's hope vs Deathstroke's nihilism.

Hints at the JL not returning yet but Nightwing leading a team to tackle new threats JL would normally handle. Definitely a fun issue and event for Dick Grayson fans.

slik 12-20-2022 06:19 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Black Adam⚡️ <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) <a href="">December 20, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Lock Jaw 12-20-2022 07:00 PM

I'm still mad at how bad Black Adam was.

Poor JSA, this probably kills them off for awhile now too.

slik 12-20-2022 11:10 PM

Oh yeah, Dark Crisis (of course) teases the next big, most evil bad to ever bad villain for whatever I'm sure the next 8 month long event series that starts in the summer and ends in winter will be in 2023


The Council of Light (apparently a Young Justice tv series group)
Amanda Waller

shrugs and sighs

slik 12-20-2022 11:13 PM

Like...that group doesn't look like they could beat one superhero...let alone all of them



The Council of Light just seems like version of the Secret Society of Supervillains

and if there's one thing I'm definitely not exhausted by it's an evil version of Batman...

like c'mon DC

Shadow 12-21-2022 08:52 AM

Two Peacemakers and two evil versions of heroes? The fuck?

Fignuts 12-22-2022 11:40 AM

I mean, how do you tell new and interesting stories with characters that have existed for decades? It can't be easy.

That's why I've gravitated towards elseworlds and bkack label stuff. Freeing the story from the confines of the main dcu gives creators more freedom in exploring new ideas, and also keeps things self contained to a small, beginning and end story without having to worry about tying it into future projects.

That's also why I'm more into indie comics now as well.

Lock Jaw 12-27-2022 02:19 PM

Reading Bendis' Checkmate series, a follow up on his terrible Event Leviathan....

What is even going on here...

Issue #3 has a giant "WHO IS DAEMON ROSE"? on the front cover.

The name Daemon Rose is not even mentioned in the entire book.

Issue #5 has a shadowy figure on the cover with the caption "THE DAEMON ROSE REVEALED!"

Nowhere in the issue, or any of the issues in between, is the name Daemon Rose referred to.

slik 12-27-2022 07:54 PM

DC has decided to undo Superman revealing his idenity to the world.

In Action Comics 1050 Lex Luther forces Manchester Black to psychically erase it from *most* of the world's memory.

Lock Jaw 12-27-2022 09:30 PM

Read the finale in Checkmate 6

For a few issues they were teasing "The Snowman's Ticket" and revealed him to be a previously unknown brother of Lois Lane, Leonardo Lane. In the 6th issue they used the caption "The Daemon Rose" as his title, and that was the only time it appeared other than the covers. Bendis also kept making Lois and Clark say how much he looks exactly like their son Jon..... which is not how genetics work I'm pretty sure....

The series ended with Leviathan killing off Mark Shaw and Talia Al Ghul taking it over, bringing everything in full circle and making everything with Mark Shaw pretty pointless

Lock Jaw 01-19-2023 07:38 PM

Just read the "Superman Smashes the Klan" graphic novel..... was very excellent....

Lock Jaw 01-26-2023 01:01 AM

HBO Max cancels Doom Patrol and Titans....

Haven't started season 4 of Doom Patrol yet but I love the show so sad to see it go....

Titans I never watched past season 1, which was like watching some sort of odd trainwreck that you felt compelled to continue looking at....

drave 01-26-2023 08:28 AM

The whole premise of Titans seemed dumb.

"It's Teen Titans, but they can say bad words and do real violence".

Fignuts 01-26-2023 11:16 AM

I tried watching Titans but couldn't make it past 3 episodes. Just a terrible, terrible adaptation.

Seanny One Ball 01-26-2023 02:01 PM

More like dork crisis, right guys?!

slik 01-31-2023 12:16 PM

DC Studios has announced it's first 10 projects:


Superman: Legacy - July 11, 2025

The Authority

The Brave & The Bold - Batman and Damian Wayne - focused on run by Grant Morrison & Tom King

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow- based on Tom King's run

Swamp Thing

TV Series

Creature Commandos - animated

Waller - Viola Davis returns as Amanda Waller along with the Peacemaker crew

Lanterns - will focus on Hal Jordan and John Stewart

Paradise Lost - set on Themyscira before the birth of Diana

Booster Gold

slik 01-31-2023 12:19 PM

DC Elseworlds

Matt Reeves’ “The Batman Part II” will open in theaters on Oct. 3, 2025

Joker: Folie à Deux” will open Oct. 4, 2024

Teen Titans GO animated series

JJ Abrams/Ta-Nehisi Coates - 'The Superman'

slik 01-31-2023 12:19 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Here are just a few of our plans. Up, up, and away! <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#DCStudios</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#DCU</a> <a href="">@DCComics</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; James Gunn (@JamesGunn) <a href="">January 31, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

slik 01-31-2023 12:35 PM

I personally do not like Grant Morrison's Batman run outside of the brief time Dick Grayson took over as Bats so this one is gonna be rough for the slikster

slik 01-31-2023 12:36 PM

Also did not enjoy Tom King's Supergirl

slik 01-31-2023 12:36 PM

Will keep an open mind though...

Lock Jaw 01-31-2023 12:59 PM

Never been a huge fan of The Authority but I guess I never read their "heyday" when they weren't even under the DC umbrella yet

Shadow 01-31-2023 04:52 PM

Oh good they're finally going back to the Green Lantern well. Let's see if this one sucks as much as the Ryan Reynolds one did.

Lock Jaw 01-31-2023 05:42 PM

I hope if Booster Gold is successful and gets more seasons that he eventually goes to an alternate Earth and interacts with another Booster Gold, who would be the one introduced in the last episodes of Legends of Tomorrow, and they do a little bit of wrap up on the dangling story. Wishful thinking, and it would probably be like a decade old by then anyways.

Lock Jaw 01-31-2023 05:44 PM

Wish Lanterns was about Simon Baz/Jessica Cruz.......

I know Hal Jordan and John Stewart are the "big names", but they are also the two most boring lanterns.

Would have also preferred Kyle Rayner/Guy Gardner

Seanny One Ball 02-02-2023 12:03 PM

They’re doing a Booster Gold film aren’t they? I remember being excited because a couple of years ago I looked up loads of these characters and he was the one I thought deserved inclusion. I cannot remember why but I wager it was personality based, they all have the same powers…

Seanny One Ball 02-02-2023 12:05 PM

Apparently it’s a series by James Gunn.

Are there any safer hands in the game right now?

Lock Jaw 02-07-2023 09:25 AM

Flash showrunner says he originally wanted to do an episode or two to wrap up Legends of Tomorrow plotlines but with the shortened final season couldn't fit it in..... but he also says that the Legends will still make an appearance.

Kalyx triaD 02-07-2023 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5600488)
Apparently it’s a series by James Gunn.

Are there any safer hands in the game right now?

The Russos. Bryan Singer. Bret Ratner on occasion. Bryce Howard.

Lengua 02-07-2023 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 5601058)
The Russos. Bryan Singer. Bret Ratner on occasion. Bryce Howard.

I think many underage boys would disagree that singer has safe hands.

Blonde Moment 02-07-2023 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Lengua (Post 5601065)
I think many underage boys would disagree that singer has safe hands.

Cold hands, yes. Safe hands, probably not

Lock Jaw 03-03-2023 11:50 PM

Just finished reading Tom King's Rorschach series.... didn't care for the end, but otherwise enjoyed the story/ride.

I will say that it 100% did not need to be a Rorschach series, being only tangentially tied in with a Rorschach and tangentially tied in with the Watchmen universe. Could have told the exact same story in its own universe with some very minor tweaks.

Probably the most "egregious case" of shameless exploitation of the Watchmen brand.

slik 03-11-2023 09:59 AM

I did enjoy DC's recently relaunched Superman #1

It had the perfect tone and was fun. An easy starting point for anyone wanting to read a Supes comic. (conveniently linked to below)

DC has announced more new #1s coming this summer:

Green Arrow #1 - Ollie is trapped in another universe
The Flash #1 - will now be a Cosmic Horror book (not sure that is a good fit for Wally West)
Wonder Woman #1 - Amazons are banned in the U.S. following a mass murder, written by Tom King (so I assume it will be really depressing)
Steelworks #1 - featuring STEEL and his daughter
Cyborg #1
Brave & The Bold #1
Hawkgirl #1
Green Lantern #1

McLegend 03-25-2023 11:11 AM

I’m 3 parts into Zack Snyder’s Justice League, and so far like it more then Joss Whedon’s version. Don’t get me wrong it’s ridiculous that it’s 4 hours long, but enjoyable. There is a lot of slow motion musical choices which are pretty funny, and probably a reason why it’s 4 hours.

One pro-Whedon cut is Steppenwolf’s voice. It way to digitized for my liking in the Snyder version. I’d much rather hear Ciaran Hind’s voice then what I’m hearing now.

McLegend 04-02-2023 10:53 AM

I finished Justice League last night. I really liked it, and it is superior over the Whedon version. Now I’m not going to be a soldier Zach Snyder army, but I would want more of these. I know I’m not getting anything else, but I would like it.

It’s not perfect by any means, and I think Snyder didn’t nail the ending. After the big battle they just moved really fast to end it, and we could have had 5 more minutes as crazy as that sounds.

The Knightmare scenes are great even though they pop out of no where, and can be confusing.

I could have used more Darkseid in the movie. I wasn’t that impressed with him. Movie wise I’m going Thanos way over Darkseid in the movies so far.

Lock Jaw 04-14-2023 02:19 AM

Just got caught up a few episodes of the final season of The Flash.

Last episode featured a time thief... how hard would it have been to sneak in a Legends of Tomorrow appearance, even if it was just a small cameo to show their final fate wasn't being thrown in time jail....

Even more "irksome" when the showrunner stated he wanted to do a two-part episode featuring the Legends but "didnt have space" with the shortened season. But then there have been multiple "filler episodes".

rez 05-17-2023 10:14 PM

Missed opportunity if Michael Rooker doesn't play Lex in some kind of capacity. One of those movies/series that are outside the main timeline.

Lock Jaw 05-25-2023 12:31 AM

Watched the series finale of The Flash.... the final four episode story-arc was pretty decent...

Really liked Eddie coming back and chewing the scenery via descending into madness.

How you not gonna bring Wally West back for the finale, though? Especially with the end introducing a new "generation" of Speedsters. You brought Wally in for an episode earlier in the season so not like the actor was like "nah, I ain't coming back to this show".

The finale itself didn't "hit" as hard as it could due to many of the core cast/characters having already left and been replaced by people I just never got as much into. I wish some of them would have showed up for the final battle... was like "wut" when Cecile started flying and being ultra powerful. Should have had Wally and Jay there from the start of the battle.... screw the shirtless ice guy who was a terrible addition to the main cast.

And so the "Arrowverse" comes to a close with a whimper, but it was quite the ride for the years that we had it. End of an era...

Lock Jaw 06-02-2023 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by slik (Post 5600164)
Also did not enjoy Tom King's Supergirl

Just read it and hope to hell the movie is not fully based on it.... I didn't hate it, but it would be faaaar from the best Supergirl characterization/story to base a movie on.

Lock Jaw 06-04-2023 02:44 PM

Just read a short Superman story (from the "Superman - Red and Blue" anthology series) where a bunch of social media "influencers" and "stars" were jumping off of tall things doing the #savemesuperman challenge. Thought that was clever because that is totally what some of these dumb people out there would do. I wish it was a bit longer story.

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