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Lock Jaw 12-14-2017 12:25 AM

Have no desire to watch the Dragonball Super anime, but I guess I could check out the manga....

Emperor Smeat 12-14-2017 12:32 AM

The anime version of Super has been pretty good overall but the current survival tournament arc would have been a lot better with fewer people per team and/or better pacing.

Fignuts 12-14-2017 01:09 AM

While I prefer the manga, I have to give props to the old lady who does goku's voice. The Goku Black voice was phenomenal, and just dripping with menace.

My Final Heaven 12-14-2017 11:58 AM

Has anyone gotten into buying production cels? I have a couple.

Fignuts 12-22-2017 08:15 AM

Just finished ep 95 of DB Super


Love the twist of Buu falling asleep and Freiza getting recruited. Doesn't hurt that the animation budget seems to skyrocket with every scene he's in.

Another thing I like about Super is how they've made characters that DragonBall Z wrote off, into relevant additions again.

Sepholio 12-22-2017 08:48 AM

Man I need episode 121 to hurry up and drop. Then I'm gonna be pissed because there is a week off before the next episode which is where I think things are going to start getting extra intense.

Destor 12-22-2017 09:29 AM

Watching Ancient Magus' Bride

Not 100% in love with it but it crafts a very good world.

ClockShot 12-22-2017 03:04 PM

Finished up the first half Fate/Apocrypha on Netflix. Not digging it this time around unlike the other Fate spin-offs. 2nd half should wrap up in a few weeks and show up on Netflix.

Destor 12-22-2017 08:34 PM

Easily my least fav fate run. Still solid

Sepholio 12-22-2017 09:28 PM

I think I'm going to go back and watch the 2 Record of the Lodoss War series. Still have a soft-spot for them as they were my initiation into anime.

Kalyx triaD 12-26-2017 12:26 AM

I must have watched The Devil is a Part-Timer all the way thru 5 times over the years. Just one season but one of the most delightful anime. I'd beg for another season.

Fignuts 12-26-2017 01:20 AM

Goku vs Caulifla and Kale is one of the best fights in the series history.

Lock Jaw 12-26-2017 01:21 AM

Lol at more vegetable names

Fignuts 12-26-2017 02:57 AM

I mean I'd be more suprised if they didn't have vegetable names for new saiyans.

Sepholio 12-26-2017 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5063157)
Goku vs Caulifla and Kale is one of the best fights in the series history.

I enjoyed it as well. Her "F everything" energy blast at the end was epic lol.

Destor 12-28-2017 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5061929)
Watching Ancient Magus' Bride

Not 100% in love with it but it crafts a very good world.

Its a slow build. Worth it to stick with it. On ep 8 now and its very compelling.

Fignuts 12-28-2017 03:06 AM

I've got High School of the Dead on in the background while I'm editing stuff in Fire Pro and it's such hot garbage lol

"If what you said is true, we're gonna need some weapons."

"What about you?"

"It's ok. I know karate."


Fignuts 12-28-2017 03:07 AM

Also, show has been on 10 minutes and I've seen this bitch's panties like 5 times. Show is really heavy on fan service lol

Fignuts 12-28-2017 03:08 AM

Some nice and brutal violence though, I'll give it that.

Destor 12-28-2017 03:49 AM

High svhool of the dead is great BECAUSE its absurd

Fignuts 12-28-2017 04:20 AM

aw they didn't show the creep at the gas station getting eaten.

Fignuts 12-28-2017 05:02 AM

This violent grindhouse anime suddenly turned into a harem show.

What even is this?

Sepholio 12-28-2017 05:12 AM

I think I might watch Wolf's Rain again. Very underrated IMO. Love pretty much every one of the Studio BONES animes I've ever seen.

Fignuts 12-28-2017 05:24 AM

"Something good happened. I realized we're still human beings after all."

"Shut up"


Fignuts 12-28-2017 05:25 AM

K, I might actually love this show for how unabashedly dumb it is.

Destor 12-28-2017 09:41 AM

Thats the only reaction allowed lol

Big Vic 12-28-2017 09:50 AM

Please lock thread and forward all future anime discussion here:

KIRA 12-28-2017 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Seph (Post 5063174)
I enjoyed it as well. Her "F everything" energy blast at the end was epic lol.

That ending was fucking nuts
and so nice they showed it thrice

I am really enjoying the Dynamic between Goku and a certain Tryant on his on his team its like this weird hate crush

Big Vic 12-29-2017 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5058872)
Have no desire to watch the Dragonball Super anime, but I guess I could check out the manga....

It's pretty dumb, the only thing that is keeping me interested is Frieza, everything else is "Oh look Goku is going to fight this guy who is much more powerful than him. Oh look Goku somehow found a new power level"

And for a Battle Royal where the fate of their universe depends on winning no one seems to care about eliminating people.

Lock Jaw 12-29-2017 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Big Vic (Post 5064340)
"Oh look Goku is going to fight this guy who is much more powerful than him. Oh look Goku somehow found a new power level"

To be fair, that is a pretty good summary of the whole series

Fignuts 12-29-2017 08:02 AM

Yeah, I don't go in looking for a whole lot of depth. Just cool fights, and some fun moments between these characters that I followed so religiously when I was younger.

One thing I do really like is how it takes characters who haven't been relevant in decades, and gives them moments to shine.

Lock Jaw 12-29-2017 08:19 AM

Like who? (Other than Frieza)

Big Vic 12-29-2017 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5064341)
To be fair, that is a pretty good summary of the whole series

Yeah I tuned out after the Frieza saga

Edit: Wait that's kinda the only saga I watched the whole way through.

Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5064345)
Like who? (Other than Frieza)

Ummm... Ginyu came back for an episode.

Fignuts 12-29-2017 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5064345)
Like who? (Other than Frieza)

Krillin, tien, roshi, 18, 17, piccolo

Fignuts 12-29-2017 04:44 PM

Like I'm not saying they're on Goku or Vegeta's level, but there is far more attention given to them than they ever got in Z.

Most of the time they were just background scenery. Or there to die. Piccolo was a little more relevant, but really, outside of a couple power ups which both became useless a few episodes later, he didn't do much outside of training Gohan.

This series just treats the secondary characters better, and gives them cool moments, like Krillen getting established as a strategic expert and his fight with goku, or literally all Master Roshi's scenes in the survival tournament.

KIRA 12-29-2017 05:36 PM

Android 17 became my favorite everything when he one-shot that hippie transformation sequence

Krillin and 18's volleyball move is still one of the most badass moments in the whole arc

Lock Jaw 12-29-2017 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5064502)
Krillin, tien, roshi, 18, 17, piccolo

Pretty cool to hear.... Killen, tien and roshi def got the short end of the stick in Z....

My Final Heaven 12-29-2017 11:35 PM

A couple of Cels I have on my wall, from Ranma ½ & a superobscure wrestling OVA called WannaBe's

Jordan 12-30-2017 11:58 AM

It started with my new Xbox One X. I downloaded Tales from the Badlands and loved it, now I want more animation in my life. So I get on Netflix and watch Wolfenstein.... fucking awesome. I even watched One Punch Man last night and loved that, wish it was in English but whatever it was dope.

So I like really rich animation, very adult and detailed, I prefer not to hear 20 thousand explosions per hour, and really enjoy the deeper themes while having the action still take focus.

Any suggestions for me? Something on Netflix preferably, or Hulu/Amazon/HBO.

Destor 12-30-2017 01:09 PM

I LOVE ONE PUNCH. Dubbed is best imo

As far as recommendations


Seven deadly sins

Gurren lagann

Soul eater

Blue exorcist

Death note

Any of the fate series. Wiki them and figure out which is first...great show...

All on netflix i believe

Many others...

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