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Destor 08-09-2019 08:04 PM

I preferred origins but Odyssey was good. Fem protag >>>>>>

Destor 08-09-2019 08:04 PM

Im playing fire Emblem 3 houses. game of the year candidate for sure

Splaya 08-09-2019 08:41 PM

I actually haven't played video games in the better half of a month. Just haven't had the itch. I'm sure that will change once Final Fantasy 7 Remake comes out.

RP 08-09-2019 08:50 PM

I'm playing Skyrim for the first time and the other 24 PS3 games i've gotten in the last few months, may not get touched for a while. I'm also gonna replay FF7 on the PS Classic soon.

DAMN iNATOR 08-09-2019 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by RP (Post 5275947)
I'm playing Skyrim for the first time and the other 24 PS3 games i've gotten in the last few months, may not get touched for a while. I'm also gonna replay FF7 on the PS Classic soon.

Skyrim will absolutely consume your life if you let it.

RP 08-09-2019 10:03 PM

I've reached the stage where I know i should stop, but I cant.

Jordan 08-11-2019 05:42 PM

I just did a more thorough game of RD2 on Xbox. Love it. Due to reviews on this page I think I'm going to dl Assassins Creed tonight.

Sepholio 08-11-2019 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5275940)
I preferred origins but Odyssey was good. Fem protag >>>>>>

I also love Origins. Very close for me if I'm rating them but I'd probably pick Odyssey rn. And yes, I also went with the female choice and it did not disappoint.

Jordan 08-12-2019 11:02 AM

I just bought Odyssey for 60 bucks. It's downloading now, gonna go to the beach and I'll start playing it tomorrow. I'm off work til the end of the month so I will be able to put some hours in. Thanks Seph, was looking for a game to buy and I haven't been paying attention to stuff the past 6 months so your review put me over the edge.

Jordan 08-12-2019 11:05 AM

I love open world maps. Having just beat Rd2 for the 2nd time I wanted more of the same and I've played a lot of Assassins games, the last one being Black Flag. I won't lie I never got into the naval stuff so I lost interest. I know there is Naval stuff here but I am going to give it a good chance. I just want to be able to do whatever I want and shaping my own character is so fun. It sounds like about everything you do affects your experience so I am excited. Am I going to be a total psycho or a gentleman with strong moral code? WHO KNOWS

Sepholio 08-12-2019 03:03 PM

I find myself in a moral grey area and making conflicting choices often. Kinda situational. Some people you don't feel as bad about shitting on, I guess.

It's a very open ended game. Once I got the freedom to go anywhere I slacked off on the main story and just started exploring and feel like I have forged my own narrative and development as such. In fact the only reason I'm not walking around in the mid 80's level wise at the VERY beginning of the story opening up is because I decided to progress the story twice, once to unlock something that certain skills/upgrades are stuck behind, and the second time so I could get to the start point for the DLC packs.

Sepholio 08-12-2019 03:06 PM

Also if you just go out careful of the weird triangle shaped map markers from time to time (they'll be gold or blue in a couple cases) and the gold question marks. No spoilers but the things in those particular areas do not scale the same as the level range listed on the regions. You could be level 15 and walk into a level 45 thing and it ain't pretty. Trust me, I did it when I first found a location called "Cave of Nobody" and started wondering if maybe Odysseus had been in here in his adventures lol.

Sepholio 08-12-2019 03:15 PM

Also if you got the version with the season pass, make sure to drop everything as soon as u get to that part in the story where the DLC unlocks (they make it very known to you that it unlocked, you'll know), go ahead and start working on those, at least the legacy of the first blade content. The Atlantis content ends up potentially spoiling a couple main story beats depending when u do it, but it hasn't effected me too much and seems minor. Anyways, there are some very game changing upgrades you can get in the packs that completely change the feel of the game and lead to some interesting builds. A couple of the perks on some of the dlc legendary items are SICK. You can get modifiers for maybe about half the skills on your ability page and the modified skills are often VERY different than the base skills. And theres a couple other things that are cool af, particularly something in the first blade content, that you'll want that I'm not gonna spoil.

Oh, and make sure you have some form of the level scaling enabled. Keeps the game engaging. I haven't checked out all the options, but the normal level scaling will keep all enemies within 2 levels of your current level once you reach the recommended level range listed for an area.

Just do it.

Fignuts 08-12-2019 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jordan X (Post 5276976)
I love open world maps. Having just beat Rd2 for the 2nd time I wanted more of the same and I've played a lot of Assassins games, the last one being Black Flag. I won't lie I never got into the naval stuff so I lost interest. I know there is Naval stuff here but I am going to give it a good chance. I just want to be able to do whatever I want and shaping my own character is so fun. It sounds like about everything you do affects your experience so I am excited. Am I going to be a total psycho or a gentleman with strong moral code? WHO KNOWS

Try Ghost Recon Wildlands

OssMan 08-12-2019 10:01 PM

playing MARIO Odyssey bitches... fun shit... New Donk City got me on the verge of tears...

Jordan 08-14-2019 10:38 AM

Really enjoying Odyssey. Just made a long post but the internet fucked me. But I like it.

Jordan 08-14-2019 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5277042)
Try Ghost Recon Wildlands

I may try that next. Sounds like a better version of MGSV.

El Vaquero de Infierno 08-17-2019 06:14 AM

Witcher 3, bitches; beats everything, including Skyrim.

Jordan 08-18-2019 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by El Vaquero de Infierno (Post 5278296)
Witcher 3, bitches; beats everything, including Skyrim.

It is a great game. I must say though and this comparison is apt...

Odyssey is more fun. And I'd say Skyrim is more fun than Witcher. Just too much repetition in that game for me (Witcher 3). I never beat Witcher 3, most of it but it got stale for me. I may give it another go sometime and start from the beginning.

Not slamming Witcher 3 it's great but Odyssey improves upon it.

Destor 08-18-2019 09:08 PM

Strongly disagree. Witcher 3 is the best gane of this console cycle. Every inch of that game is crafted by hand with love. The detail in that game is unmatched. Side quests can feel just as polished as any main story mission. No contest.

El Vaquero de Infierno 09-01-2019 04:35 PM

I'm currently playing Dying Light; I've had it for around 4 years and I've started several times but never finished it. I should complete the main quest some time this week; I've enjoyed it a lot more as of late.

I saw a demo for Dying Light 2 and it looks pretty good; I may get that a year or two after release.

Destor 09-01-2019 08:43 PM

Im about 200 hours in on fire emblem three houses. Should wrap up this playthrough (my 4th) around 230 or 240 hours.

Great game. Game of the year so far.

Disturbed316 09-02-2019 01:56 AM

I'm almost 90 hours deep into Assassins Creed Odyssey. Done all the main game stuff and now working my way through the episodic DLC. Currently about to start Episode three of The First Blade.

OssMan 09-02-2019 09:59 AM

Wolfstein The New Order

It's got some cool backstory and stuff and alternate history to WW2, kinda annoyed at half the game being these fuckin fetch quests "Blaskowitz, go retrieve the welder from the bottom of the fountain" "Blaskowitz, go fist Anya up her asshole to retrieve the stolen blueprints"

OssMan 09-02-2019 10:23 AM

Gamez I've Beaten in 2019:

Uncharted Lost Legacy
Persona 3
Super Mario Odyssey

WinterDecay 09-04-2019 05:35 PM

Finished Arkham Origins, now started playing Heavy Rain for the first time.

DAMN iNATOR 09-05-2019 12:11 AM

Been checking out Batman: Arkham Knight since it went on PS+ yesterday as a way to help pass the time until Borderlands 3.

El Vaquero de Infierno 09-05-2019 05:28 AM

Completed the main story of Dying Light; the final fight with Rais was rather naff, but getting to him was intense, particularly in the sewers.

ClockShot 09-05-2019 06:59 PM

I should have Judgment put to bed this weekend. Then I gotta track down the Japanese TV series Hero from which the game is sorta loosely based off. Actor in the game Takuya Kimura is the same guy who stared in the show.

I was hoping I get an invite into the Ghost Recon Breakpoint closed beta now in progress. Nothing yet in my inbox even though I pre-ordered the game. Might have to bug Gamestop after work tomorrow for a beta code.

All-in-all, just waiting for Borderlands 3.

Curtis 09-05-2019 10:32 PM

Ion Maiden.

It reminds me of good old times when I was a kid playing Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior on my 266mhz Pentium 2 and it was like the coolest thing ever.

Wish this game didnt get overshadowed by all the SJW nonsense. I was gonna not buy it because of the drama but I couldnt resist because seeing those graphics reminded me of the time when my life was pretty good.

DAMN iNATOR 09-06-2019 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by ClockShot
All-in-all, just waiting for Borderlands 3.

^^^ THAT. ^^^

Sepholio 09-06-2019 05:14 AM

Witcher 3 might be the best game ever made.

Destor 09-06-2019 10:51 AM

A world that size thats hand crafted to that level...unheard of in the modern age

Sepholio 09-06-2019 01:40 PM

I mean outside of some of the old Might and Magic games and the Ultima games, have there ever been worlds even remotely close to that size and detail? Like, Skyrim was a great game but the world was kinda bland to me. It was all snowy mountains and pine trees. It seems weird, but the only "recent" game that I think was even as close to as detailed world wise was Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. That game is criminally underappreciated and a huge and varied world with tons of stuff to do. I would throw some of the Assassins creed games in here for their worlds, but creating a world based on existing places isn't the same as crafting a world from scratch.

Fignuts 09-06-2019 05:19 PM

DAMN iNATOR 09-06-2019 11:31 PM

Can't see anything in @Memenuts' post but dude if you want to pick on an Elder Scrolls game for its environments, pick Morrowind. I love it to death for introducing me to the series but even my nostalgia goggles can't blind me to how dated the visuals, UI and combat are just to name a few issues. Plus there's tons of reading you have to do, which who does that any more? Still a pretty solid RPG experience though.

Fignuts 09-07-2019 02:25 AM

Fignuts 09-07-2019 02:26 AM

ClockShot 09-10-2019 05:53 PM

Finished Judgment. Damn, what a game.

Ending was not what I was expecting. But, I enjoyed it regardless.

GD 09-11-2019 03:24 AM

I was playing "Man of Medan" when it ended abruptly. What a waste of 30 bucks. Absolutely horrible.

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