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Fignuts 02-16-2016 10:15 PM

The A.I. kicks up at match 25 on normal, and match 10. I've tried twice and was KOed on Bison in the last match. I just jumped right into it with Ryu. Should probably hit the lab and look for new combos, as I'm kinda just playing him like in sf4 atm, and would likely have an easier time of it if I meddled around with him a bit.

Fignuts 02-16-2016 10:16 PM

Fucking dread facing vega on higher stages. Cpu is an input reading bastard.

DAMN iNATOR 02-16-2016 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by The Rogerer (Post 4771502)
It's been a long road.

TBH I thought Street Fighter II was cool and I got it on the SNES but I was dense and had no-one to fight against. I would play a lot of Alpha 2 and 3 but same story. Then I really enjoyed SF4 but just felt intimidated playing online. I've been playing a bunch of IV online to warm up for V, and I was generally getting thrashed, but I was coming through the first stages of improving: not getting frustrated, and taking in what people are doing to me. If someone comes up with a simple but confident offence I would just crumple up and dash myself against it. I fought one guy twice in a row who utterly squashed me first time, and then on the second time I noticed he was just totally relying on me charging in.

It's one of those shameful things that I've been a big fan since 2 but never measurably improved. I just haven't put the time in.

V, to my amateur eyes, seems heavier, slower and more generous. They seem to have simplified the execution as well. I'm much more likely to commit to things nowadays when I start them, and so this is what I want to improve at.

I don't think there's any shame in enjoying great games and having fun with them, no matter how adept or not you are at them. IMO, if people want to hate online against "n00bs", let them talk. I'd certainly never let it diminish my good time.

Fignuts 02-17-2016 12:01 AM

Went down forserver maintenance a while ago. Back up and can connect to matches now. Still takes 30-90 seconds.


Fignuts 02-17-2016 01:12 AM

Batūle lounge still fucked though.

Even if it wasn't, 2 man lobbies are super gay. I can deal with no spectator mode, but not being able to play with a group is shitty.

#BROKEN Hasney 02-17-2016 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by The Rogerer (Post 4771715)
I've been online for a couple of hours while I did all of story mode/survival. I only got one online match in the entire time (Stomped by R Mika) in that time. The levelling up of characters seemed a little spotty, maybe I wasn't getting notifications.

Probably the same thing that was happening in the betas. If it fails to send the fight results to the server after the match, you get nothing.

Fignuts 02-17-2016 02:23 AM

I think it finds fights much faster if you just go into ranked/casual matches, rather than relying on fight request

#BROKEN Hasney 02-17-2016 03:44 AM

Bought the TE S

Almost got a Chun Li TE2, but that was more expensive, no touchpad or L3 and R3. All I'm losing here is the easy customisation. Plus this design is more awesome.

Fignuts 02-17-2016 03:54 AM


Going to go with the Chun version since I see myself using her a lot.

ClockShot 02-17-2016 11:05 AM

Couldn't get into a casual match last night. Has it gotten any better?

Emperor Smeat 02-17-2016 06:06 PM

Some good-bad news regarding the game.

The good being that Capcom is currently working on patching several things with most related to server/connection issues.

The bad being the PC version appears to be the worse than the PS4 version and a lot of its own problems won't be fixed until much later. The biggest being issues with fighting sticks not working correctly and the inability to rebind keys for Keyboard users.

The Rogerer 02-18-2016 06:20 PM

I invented my own combo. That's a first.

Matchmaking seems to be working okay, however I was just setting the fight request for casual matches and getting one within a minute. When I was playing USFIV at the weekend you'd sometimes get something 1 second into a match repeatedly. I think the longer loading times could be partly to blame.

#BROKEN Hasney 02-18-2016 06:27 PM

Didn't get to play today, ended up upgrading my PS4 HDD only for the backup I made to corrupt. Hate that the PF version doesn't support DirectInput, neither of my PS4 sticks like it and the wireless Tekken 360 one I have has a touch too much lag to bother with online.

The Rogerer 02-18-2016 06:31 PM

What happened with your backup?

#BROKEN Hasney 02-18-2016 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by The Rogerer (Post 4772477)
What happened with your backup?

My USB hard drive is shit and it just stops being read anywhere between 1 and 100GB. Not really a huge issue since I can redownload all the games and saves again, but I'd have rather avoided downloading over 1TB of data if I could help it.

#BROKEN Hasney 02-19-2016 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by The Rogerer (Post 4772473)
I invented my own combo. That's a first.

Matchmaking seems to be working okay, however I was just setting the fight request for casual matches and getting one within a minute. When I was playing USFIV at the weekend you'd sometimes get something 1 second into a match repeatedly. I think the longer loading times could be partly to blame.

They said they've just cranked up the speed of matchmaking, so it may have been slowed down to ease the servers.

The Rogerer 02-19-2016 05:15 AM

I don't mind the slower pace, in that it's entirely pointless going through the long load back into practice mode to get pulled out a second later. It's not worth complaining about quickly getting matches, though, is it

#BROKEN Hasney 02-20-2016 06:55 PM

Got to 1,700 LP then everyone who's up there with me quits on loss as there's no penalty. Had 10 in a row.

Just going to do it myself. The more of a joke ranked is, the quicker they'll patch it.

The Rogerer 02-20-2016 08:01 PM

Do what yourself


Kalyx triaD 02-20-2016 11:51 PM

Not having a penalty is absurd.

The Rogerer 02-21-2016 05:50 AM

The penalty is that they have to live their lives as a wanker

Fignuts 02-22-2016 12:00 AM

Still haven't gotten my Bison preorder costume. Emailed those twats.

So are all the preorder costumes going on sale with the premium costumes? That coming in march or June?

Fignuts 02-22-2016 12:42 AM

So first impressions are I really really like it. A little more rushdown centric than I would have preferred, but I like it more than sf4. The v trigger mechanic in particular is much better than the focus/ultra stuff.

Said this before, but all the characters feel really fun to use and mess around with in the lab. To the point where I actually have no idea who I'm going to main. I mean, even Geif is in the running, which is first for me.

All that said, I think releasing the game with such barebones content was a mistake. Yeah there are plenty of people like myself and kalyx who aren't personally bothered by it, because we play primarily against other people, but we aren't the majority. And this isn't a niche game. Street Fighter is a major release, marketed to a mass market. So it's confounding why they would release a game that caters to a small percentage of potential buyers.

It doesn't matter that more content is being released free down the road. The majority of buyers are only interested in what they are getting now for their money. It doesn't matter whether they're right or wrong, all that matters is that there IS backlash. It's bad for business, which is in turn bad for the genre, and Capcom really should have seen it coming. Although this is Capcom we're talking about so I shouldn't really be surprised by the lack of foresight in competant decision making at this point.

If they were really so concerned about their capcom cup participants getting enough time with the game before the tournament, they could of just had some more open betas, or (gasp!) wait until next year to have it, when people will be REALLY good.

I also have to correct myself. I can't say that I'm completely indifferent to the content, because while I might not be bothered by the lack of single player content, 2 player lobbies is garbage and has no place in a 2016 fighting game.

So yeah, the game fucking rocks, but ONCE AGAIN I'm afraid capcom's business decisions may turn off potential new players, which whether you want to admit itmor not, the genre needs to grow.

#BROKEN Hasney 02-22-2016 04:24 AM

You missed the big reason why it came out early and why it's Playstation console exclusive: Capcom are a mess financially and getting it out in Feb means it's in their financial year. They needed this out the door no matter what.

#BROKEN Hasney 02-22-2016 05:09 AM

You might be right about decisions biting them in the ass though. In the UK, it looks like SFV sold around half what SFIV just on PS3 did.

Fignuts 02-22-2016 05:32 AM

If that's the case I guess it was just a gamble for them, but I still think it could hurt more than help in the ling run. Especially when other fighters have set the bar so high in terms of content

#BROKEN Hasney 02-22-2016 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts HD Edition (Post 4774163)
If that's the case I guess it was just a gamble for them, but I still think it could hurt more than help in the ling run. Especially when other fighters have set the bar so high in terms of content

I'm fully expecting a "Super" edition around this time next year. Allows them to re-release the disc as a GOTY type thing with the DLC already in, while we get a patch and have already bought the characters with FM/real month.

I know they said there will be no "super", but by that I think they mean we never have to buy another disc for the duration of this generation, which would still be true.

Fignuts 02-22-2016 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Hollywood Hasney (Post 4774165)
I'm fully expecting a "Super" edition around this time next year. Allows them to re-release the disc as a GOTY type thing with the DLC already in, while we get a patch and have already bought the characters with FM/real month.

I know they said there will be no "super", but by that I think they mean we never have to buy another disc for the duration of this generation, which would still be true.

And I'm calling it now that a bunch of muties will cry "see we told you there would be a super version" even if its just a goty edition

Emperor Smeat 02-22-2016 04:04 PM

According to some early sales estimates, PC version of the game sold a little under 100,000 copies since its launch while UK region estimates is in the 24,000 range (disc only) since launch.

Kalyx triaD 02-22-2016 11:24 PM

Well worth the investment, I see.

Anyway I can not wait to throw down online. This SF is generally closer designed to my tastes in a way I haven't played since SoulCalibur 2. I just agree with everything and I wanna try everybody. But Ken and Cammy are def my hitmen still. Ken especially has been working for me at this game store I hang at. And me and my bro Bison threw down last Friday that made me wise.

Do not have a PS4 and won't have one for some time but I may appear under my bro's tag until if and when I get a month or so of PS+. Until then I'll try to get my matches on youtube cause I been blowing dudes the fuck up. I love this game. Needs major expansion of online function. It should not have shipped doing less than USF4. It is literally the Halo 5 situation and I'm not digging that kind release, even if they do promise free updates. No 8plyr lobby at launch is bad. Very bad.

#BROKEN Hasney 02-23-2016 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Smelly Meatball (Post 4774381)
According to some early sales estimates, PC version of the game sold a little under 100,000 copies since its launch while UK region estimates is in the 24,000 range (disc only) since launch.

With the Steam sales of the game, 100k sales i probably worth their time with the ease of porting, especially considering how barebones the PC version is. Some people were mocking it, but it's only 10k lifetime sales off of USFIV and 8k off SFxT. Hilariously, the peak number of players online is much higher than USFIV as well and that includes a free weekend for USFIV where anyone could play.

The Rogerer 02-23-2016 07:29 AM

I briefly tried out some Cammy and she seems no-nonsense. I'm tempted to try out Laura as I hear she's so lacking it's very educational.

Kalyx triaD 02-23-2016 01:12 PM

Laura is good.

#BROKEN Hasney 02-23-2016 05:02 PM

Good fucking god this a comeback and a half.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

drave 02-23-2016 05:06 PM

/ragequit to follow :lol:

#BROKEN Hasney 02-23-2016 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 4775362)
/ragequit to follow :lol:

It was the loser that uploaded the video amazingly.

ClockShot 02-23-2016 05:33 PM

PR-Balrog is one of the best Street Fighter players around. You'll hear about him in some of the e-sports tournaments.

To take down a guy like him, you give yourself more than just a pat on the back.

Emperor Smeat 02-23-2016 05:37 PM

A traditional Arcade type mode is currently under consideration for the game according to Capcom. Another feature/mode also under consideration is difficulty sliders for Story Mode.

Kalyx triaD 02-23-2016 11:04 PM

Difficulty sliders for stor-

What the fuck don't waste dev time on that shit. What type of pussy is even asking for that?

DAMN iNATOR 02-24-2016 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Rogerer (Post 4775062)
I briefly tried out some Cammy and she seems no-nonsense. I'm tempted to try out Laura as I hear she's so lacking it's very educational.

Can't get into this due to not having the required hardware, but Cammy will ALWAYS be my go-to for female SF fighters. She's cold, calculating, and fights with a take no prisoners attitude.

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